Chapter 12

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*Niall's p.o.v*

After that day Harry would always keep a close watch one me. He asked me a couple times about my nightmare and what it was about but i could never get the courage to explain it. he doesnt pressure me into telling him, he just says "Its okay if you dont want to. you can tell me when you're ready." I really dont understand why he likes me. im ugly, worthless, and just take up space. he is a wonderful person, he is really musculer, looks like a damn model and his jawline could kill someone. i really wish i could be bett- "Niall are you alright, i have been calling your name and you just keep frowning." "Yeah. just thinking." he nodded "well would you like to go on a walk with me, its really nice out today." i nodded and went to grab my shoes. once we had our stuff on we walked out the door.

Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me against his body. i blushed and looked down. "So Ni what would you like to do someday. like what have you always dreamed of doing." i looked at him then around us. "i always wanted to do something with music. i dont want to be like a famous singer, i couldn't take all the attention but like having my own music company or writing songs for people." Harry nodded and looked around. we were walking in a comfortable silence till i heard a formiliar yell "LIAM, GET BACK HERE. LIAM" i looked up to see a giggling Liam and a flushed Louis running behind him. i stopped and grabbed Liam before he could go any farther. Liam eyes got wide until he looked up to see me. "NIALL, Hi Ni-Ni" "Hello there Liam, how are you." his smile widened and he started to ramble about his day. "Well today, me and Lou-Lou went to the store and got me a woody and i got a brand new sippy." i smiled and acted really excited "Oh my gosh that is so cool, But liam remember last time i saw you" he nodded "and i told you to stop running away from Louis" he nodded again but he put his head down "it scares him. someone might take you and that will make your mommy, Louis and me really sad." he sighed and put his face in my neck. "i sorry Ni-Ni" "its okay. just dont do it again." i looked up to see where Louis was but was suprised to see him standing in front of us with a smile on his face. "Thank you Niall. i dont know what i would do if i lost him" he said as i was handing Liam to him. "its okay. how are you doing." "im good. just trying to get some christmas shopping done" he said i nodded but i looked over when i heard a cough "Oh, crap im sorry. Lou this is Harry my..." Harry finished for me "Friend for now, havent got to ask the question. but its nice to meet you Louis." i blushed when Harry said that. Louis whistled "You too, damn Ni,  good job picking him, he looks like a damn model" Harry smirked and threw his arm over my shoulder."AHHH, thats a bad word. im telling mommy." Louis looked at Liam then sighed "If you tell her i wont buy you ice cream." Liam squeaked "Okay, okay, i wont tell" Louis smirked then kissed his cheek. "alright, well we have to go. it was nice seeing you Niall, i hope to see you again. along with you Harry but you better have already asked him" Louis winked then walked away.

after doing some shopping for Harry's family and Harry buying me the newest Iphone, after a hour of arguing. he gave me a puppy dog look which should be illegal because it was to damn cute i finally aloud him. he squealed and did a happy dancing running to the counter and getting it. "Hey Niall Christmas is in 3 days and my mom wants us to come over, actually she wants us there tomorrow so we can stay the night. i know its a little sudden. we dont have to go. if you dont want to. i mean i can tell mom that we cant. i'll make up a reaso-" "Harry its fine. i want to go." he smiled and hugged me. "i cant wait till you meet my sister. she'll love you. warning they are a little crazy and she might be a little harsh at first but she is reall-' I got on my tip-toes and Kissed him, he didnt kiss back at first then he started to move his lips with mine. i smirked and pulled away. "You talk to much." i said with a smile. he looked at me and smiled "well if thats how you get me to stop then im never gonna shut up." i got on my toes again so my lips were just brushing his. "Is that right, what if i can make you stop another way." his breathing started to change as my hand ran down his stomach.


I traced the edge of his boxers with my finger, and pushed him against the counter. i moved my lips around his neck and started to bite and suck all over, "Mmm, Niall" Harry moaned breathless. i smirked and unbottoned his pants. i slipped my hand in and started to rub it against his bulge. he groaned "Niall, dont tease please" i smirked and got down on my knees. i pulled his pants down biting my lip and looked up at Harry. He was looking down at me with his eyes full of lust but there was something else there, I didnt know what. when his pants were off i slowly kissed up his legs stopping at his inner thigh and started to suck a love bite. He tried to close his legs to get some friction but i had i strong grip on them. "Nope. now tell me what you want me to do." "anything please." i stood up and started to to take my shirt off. "not until you use your words im not gonna do anything and your not aloud to either." he whined. "Oh my gosh. put your little lips around my big d*ck and suck me until i cant remember my name. Make me only know yours. show me who i belong to. just do something please." i smiled "Good boy, now that wasnt so hard" i got down on my knees again and started to kiss and lick his dick through his boxers. He moaned and put his hands in my hair. i was pulling his boxers down when we heard a knock. he groaned and pushed my face closer to his dick. "just ignore it, maybe they will go away." just as he said that we heard a yell. "HARRY OPEN THIS DOOR I KNOW YOUR IN THERE!" Harry gasped and pulled up his pants. "Oh my gosh Marcel's here" he had his pants on and was throwing his shirt over his head. i stood up and put my shirt on. When i got to the living room Harry was hugging a guy. "oh my gosh i have missed you so much how are you, are you okay" the Marcel guy pulled away and started to laugh. "Shut the fuck up Haz. im okay. now dont be a douche and tell me who the crazy hot guy is standing in your living room looking confused." he said with a chuckle "first off, watch your damn mouth i am still your older brother and i will kick your ass. second that is my soon to be boyfriend so keep you hands and eyes off of him, got it." I giggled at their bickering "What! First off, you cant use that older brother stuff on me, your older than me by only like 1 minute. and second move so i can go have a friendly conversation with him." i gasped when i saw his face. He looked just like Harry but he had glasses. "Hello there my brothers soon to be boyfriend im Marcel his twin." i laughed and shoke his hand "Im Niall, and i didnt know Harry had a twin." he faked gasped and put his hand on his heart. "im hurt brother, you didnt mention me." "ehh, its whatever." 

We all talked for a little bit more. right now were having dinner "Hey Marc not that i care but why are you here?" Harry asked. Marcel shrugged "i wanted to come visit" Harry nodded. I heard a knock again and i stood up to get it. "i'll be right back" they nodded. i was suprised to see Louis when i opened the door, "Hey louis how did you know where i lived" "i live like right down the street and i seen you come here earlier but i wanted to ask if you could babysit Liam tomorrow please. Mom has to work and i have school. Pleaseeee" he begged "uhh give me second, come on in" He followed me to the table. "Hey H, what time are we leaving tomorrow. " i asked "about 6 why?" i looked at Louis "does that work.?" "yeah thats perfect" "okay, do you mind if i babysit Liam tomorrow." i figured I should I ask. "No thats fine. he'll keep you company while i go to work." i nodded but i looked over and i didnt see Marcy "Hey wheres Marcy" Harry laughed at the nickname "he went to the bathroom" just as he said that marcel came into the room.

Louis turned and looked at him but his mouth fell open when he saw him. Marcel smirked and looked at him. "well hello there beautiful, whats your name?" Louis blushed and answered "Louis, Louis tomlinson" i looked at Harry who looked back at me with a smile

I think there is a start of a new brilliant realtionship...

How To Save A Life (Narry Storan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora