Chapter 7

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Grace’s POV

I had lost track of how long I had been here. It wasn’t like anything made each day seem different to the last. I was stuck in a wall and I had nothing to do but let my body desiccate until Marcel finished his mental breakdown. Luckily there were two people who knew I was here (other than the others who were trapped here) and Diego actually liked me.

In the hierarchy of things here, I was at the top with Marcel, and I guess Niklaus was higher than us but until now he didn’t really get involved with the city for a long while. But he just wanted power as did Marcel.  It was kind of understandable why they got along so well prior to now, they were so alike it was scary, but either way, Niklaus preferred my way of running things here than Marcel’s. I had everyone on my side so I could use them to help me if I really needed them to, whereas Marcel was enemies with them all.

Although I had no idea how long I had been here, I knew it wouldn’t be long before I was completely desiccated if Diego didn’t come back with more blood. He had been slipping me small amounts of blood, but not nearly enough to actually do any good for me, but enough to actually let me feel the pain that surged through my body.

Other than Diego giving me blood and Marcel coming down to taunt me no one ever came down here.

But for the first time since I had been here I could hear two sets of footsteps walking above me and getting closer. I turned my head as far as it could go to the entrance of the ‘garden’ to see who was going to be here. Three figures appeared one was being dragged into the room, whilst the other two walked.

All three I too familiarly recognised. Marcel and Niklaus walked into the dimly lit room, whilst Marcel carried an unconscious Thierry. By the looks of it he was going to be joining me in here but I hoped I wouldn’t stay long as Niklaus was here and hopefully he could save me.

I tried to speak but only incoherent croaks were released but it still caused the two men to turn towards me. Marcel had a frown across his face a quickly turned away from me organising where his ‘friend’ would be placed here.  Niklaus on the other hand looked over to me with a slightly shocked expression on his face, before it hastily return to his general expression of pure distain.

Was he going to leave me here? He wouldn’t. We may not see eye to eye all the time, but would he really abandon me and just leave me stuck here for eternity.

Soon enough Thierry was in the wall opposite me as he slightly stirred. But before he could really wake up the two men had left.

I couldn’t believe Niklaus had actually just left me here. I knew he was a heartless bastard but I always thought everyone had a little bit of good in them, but obviously that wasn’t true.

“Where am I?” Thierry groaned.

“How does it feel?” I croaked, “It’s not nice to be betrayed.”


“At least now I can see you suffer. I need something to do for the whole of eternity whilst we’re left here.”

I was sure most of that sentence was incoherent as my voice became silent every now and then but I was sure he got the gist of the sentence.

“I’m sorry Grace. I didn’t know he’d do this to you,” He stated.

“It’s fine, karma’s a bitch so it’ll bite you in the arse, and I don’t have to do anything,” I whispered.

I had never really liked Thierry but there was no reason to be angry at him whilst I was stuck here. It was just waste the little energy that I had left, and I wasn’t prepared to do that.  

“Kol misses you Grace, he has completely lost it without you there,” Thierry muttered.

“He’ll be fine, Marcel will give in at some point and I will be back with him, but Marcel is extremely pissed, and whatever you did, has pissed him off further, so the chances of either of us getting out of here in this century is minimal,” I croaked.

I coughed roughly due to me not being used to talking so much as I hadn’t uttered a word since I had been here to anyone.

“How aren’t you desiccated yet?” He asked.

“Diego has been bringing me a bit of blood every now and then. Marcel wouldn’t notice but he’d kill Diego if he set me free, so I have to do that by myself,” I explained.

The fear in his eyes was still there. It was clear he was reacting badly to being here, even though I was exactly the same when I was put here. I could hardly blame him for negatively responding to this, as it wasn’t exactly pleasant being forced to live in a wall.

I felt bad for how rather happy I was that he was here. It not only meant I had semi-competent company, but it meant I could have an odd sort of feeling of the revenge I desired being fulfilled. Getting revenge wasn’t really my thing, but this made me realised why the Mikaelson’s and Marcel enjoyed it so much as it made me feel so much better, seeing him in pain, even if I was in pain myself.

“Marcel wouldn’t let you escape. There is no way you can escape from this, he would have planned that. Look at these people, they disappeared centuries ago, we have no chance,” he frowned.

“No you have no chance Thierry. You are a pessimist, you need to believe that you can escape and you will at some point. Marcel isn’t that strong, he is too emotionally involved and he will mess up and I will get out of here,” I groaned.

 A/N- I am so sorry I haven't updated in ages and this is shitty and really short but at least this is something. So sorry :) 

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