Chapter 6

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Grace’s POV

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open. The change in light didn’t really change as the room I was in was very dark, as was everything in it. I recognised it as what Marcel called the ‘garden’.

I did my best in looking around only to see dirt and half dead bodies. What the hell was happening? Why was I down here?

Trying to move, I felt completely restricted. I couldn’t move as everything was constricted to no movement other than a small movement in my neck.

No words could exit my mouth other than odd spluttering noises as I hacked up pieces of dirt I must have inhaled. Once my throat seemed clearer, I began to shout. My words weren’t coherent but they were loud enough for someone in the street to hear me, but sadly no one ever went down the street.  

Footsteps. I could hear footsteps on the street above me, so I continued yelling hoping they would hear me. The footsteps grew closer, until the person was revealed. Marcel.

“So you finally woke up,” He stated venomously.

“What are you doing Marcel?” I coughed.

“Leaving you here to desiccate. I don’t really want you dead, but you can suffer for a good few hundred years down here with the rest of the traitors from the quarter. I bet they’d love to have a new resident, especially the Queen. My Queen who stabbed me in the back with the jester,” He smirked, “But don’t worry Gracie, I’ll make sure that your true love thinks you deceived him how you deceived me.”

I tried to fight against the bricks and the dirt that held me in the wall, but no matter how I tried nothing budged.

“Marcel, you used me for centuries, why can’t you let me be happy? I’ve always loved Kol; I never wanted to hurt you. You just never loved me in the way I did love you, I realised it was a waste of my time pretending you could be my knight in shining armour, and I realised I was stupid for pretending my feelings for Kol weren’t real. You should be the one in the wall rotting,” I hissed.

Okay, so this wasn’t making my argument any more convincing seen as I was stuck in a wall, and insulting the only person who could help me get out of the wall probably wasn’t the smartest move of the century.

“Well I beg to differ my dear. I’ll come back to see you in a couple of years, have fun with traitors like yourself,” Marcel smirked walking away.

I groaned calling after him but he ignored me leaving the place he called the ‘garden’.

I didn’t want to have to scream for help now; I wanted to attempt to escape first. I was sure Marcel had been prepared to not let me out for a long while, so I was sure he had people on guard and this wouldn’t be easy to escape.

I did my best to push my body again the bricks but I couldn’t budge them, I was too weak. I turned to my second option in yelling for someone. I shouted for help for a while but no one came for me. I couldn’t even here people walking on the street above me, but I really wanted someone to come and save me.

It was certain that one of the Mikaelson men would realise I was missing soon enough, but I’m also sure that Marcel had a cover story for that. He was a horrible person but he was very good at creating an evil plan, so all of his bases would be well covered.

My shouting continued for a little while but I gave up after a while realising no one would come and help me, so I’d have to use something to my advantage to escape.

Marcel said he’d be back in a couple of years but it was certain that he or one of his drones would come back soon enough and I’d have to get them to help me, or simply trick them into helping me. Marcel would be harder to trick but his drones were all idiots and I could easily make them want to help me.

Most of the other people here I didn’t recognise, but a few I recognised as vampires that disappeared years ago, but I had no idea where they had gone. Obviously they had done something to hurt Marcel and ended up here.

Pretty much all of them were either unconscious or were about to become unconscious. I was certainly the most lively one of all those down here.

It was clear that everyone here had already given up on being rescued until Marcel pardoned them, but most of them had a shorter time until they were released than I did. I was obviously the newest member of these people who wronged Marcel, so by the chances I would be the last to leave unless Marcel saw their ‘crimes’ as worse than mine, but I highly doubted it.

I desperately wanted to get out of here, but my only hope was Marcel seeing pity for me and allowing me to leave, although I highly doubted he would. Even with menial things he never apologised or saw my side.

To be honest I don’t know how I fouled myself for so long that he loved me, well it wasn’t like he had always been this way, I’m sure he did love me at some point, like I loved him, but both lessened over times. Although I know loved Kol, I just wish Marcel didn’t hate me so much.

It was so much easier when we had just become vampires. Actually it wasn’t easier but Marcel and I were closer and neither of us would have ever dreamed to torture the other in leaving them in a dark dingy ‘garden’ trapped in a wall.

~*~ Flashback ~*~
“Work harder,” Niklaus yelled at me.

I tried to fight him, but it was inevitably going to work to his favour. I had only been a vampire for a matter of weeks he was an ancient original vampire. He was going to beat me at a fight, and there was nothing I could do about it. I tried my hardest to fight but he pinned me to the wall by my throat.

“You need to try harder. You are going to die if you don’t. I only need to apply a little pressure and you’re dead. Do you want that? You’re a disgrace. Yes you are a dis- Grace,” Niklaus shouted.

He let go of my throat causing me to fall to the floor with my throat throbbing. As Niklaus ran from the room with a frown spread across his face, Marcel rushed to my side.

“Are you okay Grace? Don’t listen to him, you’re doing your best,” He smiled soft resting his hand softly against my arm.

“It’s fine Marcel, you’re the golden boy, I can’t help that I’m a girl and he undermines me. Niklaus saved you, Elijah saved me but Niklaus banished him, so I have no choice but listen to Niklaus’ idiotic speeches,” I shrugged letting him pull me to my feet.

“Don’t talk like that Grace. You are better than me than fighting he just doesn’t see that. You are much more equipped to be a vampire, your true personality is amplified, and you are an amazing and nice person who will create greatness in the world,” He smiled softly.

“You aren’t a bad person Marcel. You just listen to Niklaus too much, he’s the one who holds darkness not you,” I smiled in return.

“Thank you Grace. One day we’ll have his power and be able to make the French quarter good again.”

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