Chapter 2

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A/N- Kol is alive, well un-dead, you know what I mean.

~*~ 2010 ~*~

Grace’s POV

“Marcel you don’t have to be so harsh on the poor witches. If they wrong you I understand but Jane-Anne didn’t deserve to die,” I stated as I walked away from the scene with Marcel and Thierry.

Thierry let out a chuckle and rolled his eyes at me. The two men were a lot more vicious and cruel than I was. I certainly wasn’t an angel, but I wasn’t as bad as they were.

“Why are you even with her, she sides with the witches,” Thierry frowned.

“She may side with the witches but she would never be un-loyal to me,” Marcel smirked pecking my lips.

“Oh Marcel, don’t think I am just here for you to use. You know if you piss me off too much I will react,” I smirked.

Marcel and I had known each other for as long as we could remember and we had been through all of the bad times together.

“I know darling, but now run along whilst us men do some important stuff,” He smiled tapping my shoulder.

“Oh Marcel don’t kid yourself. I can do anything you can do and I’ll do it in heels. But although you want me to run off, I am going to as I have to do something,” I shrugged kissing his cheek, “Bye boys.”

I left the two men doing whatever they found important, which was probably slaughtering more witches, whilst I went to the cemetery.

Marcel could never know about my friendships with the witches and certainly never find out about my alliance.

Quickly I got to where I knew Sophie would be. I walked through to see her there with a brunette girl sat down.

“Sophie I am so sorry about Jane-Anne. I tried to stop him but you know how he is,” I sighed pulling her into a one sided hug.

“It’s okay Grace, she knew the risks in doing magic,” She shrugged, “This is Hayley by the way, the reason Jane-Anne did the magic.”

“Oh well hello, I’m Grace,” I smiled warmly at the girl.

She smiled back but I could tell it was false and she only did it to seem nicer than she actually felt.

“Jane-Anne did a spell to see whether Hayley was pregnant. She is pregnant with the famous Klaus Mikaelson’s child. Then Jane-Anne linked Hayley and I so I can protect her,” Sophie explained.

“How can that be? Klaus is a vampire, well a hybrid. He cannot conceive children,” I frowned slightly confused.

“Well he can, it’s because he is part werewolf,” Hayley stated, “And I’m a werewolf so God knows what this baby will be.”

“Is Klaus back in town? Marcel will be so happy if he is. And if he’s back then so is Elij-” I didn’t even get to finish my sentence before a deep chuckle cut me off.

I turned around to see Elijah leant against the wall with a grin on his face. My face lit up as I ran over to him pulling him into a hug.

“I’ve missed you Grace,” He chuckled.

“I’ve missed you too Lijah,” I smiled back in return.

~*~ Half an hour later ~*~

I had left the three of them to carry on with whatever they were doing, whilst I went to go tell Marcel the good news. Hastily I made my way to one of the many local bars where I found Marcel stood by the bar itself.

I ran in jumping into his arms, wrapping my legs around his middle and grinning at him.

“Hello,” He chuckled pressing his lips to mine.

As he pulled away I spoke, “Have you heard the good news, Elijah’s back in town.”

Looking over his shoulder I saw one of the other Mikaelson’s stood there with a smirk on his face.

“And I’m here too,” Klaus chuckled walking over to us.

Slowly I un-wrapped my legs from Marcel’s middle so I was standing next to him with his arm wrapped around my shoulders showing the rather large height difference.

“What a wonderful sight my two former protégés in a relationship, how sweet, I thought I taught you better than to fall in love,” Klaus sighed.

“Who said we were in love?” Marcel said.

I turned to look at him trying not to let my pain show. I didn’t want Klaus to see me so weak. He was basically my vampire mentor, but unlike Marcel I had Elijah there for me too.

I could see Klaus smirking at me.

“I do believe you have hurt your girl,” He chuckled, “Don’t worry love the real man’s back in town.”

“Oh but Klaus you are mistaken,” I frowned, “Marcel and I rule this town, and you’ve lost your power. We respect you and thank you for making us for what we are today but you are no longer considered the king of New Orleans.”

With that I turned and made my way out of the bar going to Rousseau’s, where I knew Sophie’s shift had begun.

 As I got there I sat down on the bar stool to face Sophie.

“Hey what’s up Grace?” She questioned leaning on the counter.

“Marcel. Klaus is back in town and to be the big man he thinks he is, he said something hurtful. I don’t think he meant it but it still hurts,” I shrugged, “I just hope the other two originals to come back as well.”

“Two?” She asked, “I thought they only had one sister who is the other one?”

Yes they did have a sister, Rebekah. I had met the three of them, Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah when Elijah took me in. But as I am a vampire, I came back to my home of New Orleans in 1910 and met their brother Kol.

Kol was the only brother I had actually had a romantic attraction to. Klaus flirted with me but I never returned his affections and Elijah was like my Dad. Although I hadn’t actually been in a proper relationship with Kol, I did like him, but I don’t think as much as I like Marcel.

“Speak of the devil,” I smirked as the tall brunette waltzed into the bar.

I leant my back against the counter, “And that is Kol Mikaelson the youngest brother.”

He looked around the bar until he saw me, which caused him the smirk and walk over to me and Sophie.

“Hello darling,” He smiled taking my hand in his and kissing the back of it, “It’s been too long.”

“It has been too long love, how’s life been treating you?” I smiled back.

“I’ve been in a coffin since I last saw you, never annoy Klaus, he is very bitter and has a terrible temper,” He chuckled, “But of course you love him.”

It was more of a lie than the truth. I didn’t love him; I guess I liked him once. When I first moved in with them, I would more than happily be with him, but Kol came along and I learnt the truth of the Mikaelson’s, and now Klaus wants me as Marcel has me. Then there is Kol.

“I don’t love him Kol, I love Marcel and you know that. But now you’re back I may change my mind,” I smirked, “This is Sophie one of my best friends.”

He smiled at her as they greeted one another.

My life would now be hell as my past joins my present. 

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