Heart of Gold ~R rated Chapter ~

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Restricted Scene for Heart of Gold

Gracie's POV

My heart soared at his unspoken answer as his lips slanted over mine in a deep intimate kiss that had my very soul shaking. His grip relinquished around my wrists allowing me to wrap my arms around his neck while parting my lips as an invitation that he too willingly accepted. His velvety tongue slid into my mouth and began it's sweet dance of exploration of my mouth. Suppressing a moan I flicked my tongue against his knowing how much he enjoyed our little wrestle for control.

One large hand slid down the side of my ribs and rested on my hips were the panties had ridden up to. The warmth of his palm against the soft fabric had my lower abdominal clenching with anticipation. Jason plunged his tongue deeper into my mouth nearly down my throat. It wasn't uncomfortable with his tongue so deep in my mouth like I was use to, no this felt amazing to have him so deep inside of me.

Inching my fingers up his neck I twirled the small hairs at the nape of his neck before running my fingers through the soft dark hair unable to get my hands off the silkiness sliding through my open fingers. My right hand dropped from his head and to his toned back, skimming my nails over his shoulders as my other hand came up to follow.

I felt him shudder and unconsciously press his erection into my pelvis. The heat of his arsenal had my panties soaking, he felt so large and hard it made want to screw foreplay and just rip his pajamas off. When Jason lifted his head a whimper escaped my lips as he stared down at me his gaze dark and piercing.

"Your beautiful love." he breathed as his head dipped to my neck where he trailed kisses down to my exposed breasts

My head fell backwards as his mouth continued it's sensual havoc on my senses. His large hands trailed over my shoulder and down to the zipper at my side. All while sucking the sensitive skin between my shoulder and neck he undid the zipper, his experienced hands sliding the pink ribbons off my shoulders than pulling the sexy lingerie down to my full hips. I lifted my hips off the bed allowing him to fully remove the bodice that felt as if it were squeezing the life out of me.

Now rid of the blasted bodice I gripped his head and guided his hot mouth to my taunt nipple not caring that I was laying half naked under him.

"You like this don't you?" he asked against sucks

Unable to find my voice I whimpered letting my hands return to his shoulders. He nipped gently at the bud causing my eyes to roll in the back of my head. God this feels amazing! Digging my nails into his shoulder I gasped when he held my erect bud in between his index and middle fingers.

Fear began to spread in my body as I played in my head Jason's next move, Ben's move. Ben loved pain especially when it's directed straight at me. Closing my eyes tight I waited for the pain when Jason rubbed his thumb over my nipple before returning it to his mouth with an animal like growl.

"You taste so sweet." he whispered huskily

My eyes snapped open to the image of Jason's head dipped between my c-cup breasts. Releasing a grunt first he caught the other nipple in his hot moist mouth.

"Yessssss..." I panted as I dug my nails deeper into the flesh of his shoulder

Darting his slick tongue out he traced the brown skin before flicking the bud causing it to harden beneath his teasing mouth. A heavy heat started to pulse from my womanhood, in a place I've never felt that tingling sensation before. A hot sensation that only Jason can fulfill.

"Touch me Gracie." he groaned

"I-I am." I laughed nervously

To prove my words I removed my nails from his skin and caressed his shoulders. In slow circles I rubbed down his arms before returning to his shoulders and began to massage down his back. The way his muscles tensed beneath my touch had me wondering if Jason is just as as nervous as me.

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