Protect? Or destroy?

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Y/n pov.
The dragon stopped in the air as we watched a portal summon and a whole bunch of ShuShu hopped out of it, a blinding light surrounded us and once it was gone I looked down "Adamai! That's him down there!" I looked at Yugo confused and looked back down.

"Izumi!" I went to go jump down and get her but I was held by the dragon. "No please I need to save her! I need to protect her!" I thought about my own words for a second I needed to protect Yugo... I love him so It's not just my job I'm this life but... I looked at Izumi, she's flesh and blood.

"Your brother is possessed and your sister seems to be held under a spell..." suddenly Adamai can't racing into the air and Phearys through us from him I grabbed Yugo and held him in my arms "I want you to know now... I'm sorry and I love you...." he looked at me confused as I teleported is both the the ground and I charged at Rushu.

"Y/n!" I heard Yugo cry out as I dodged the beams and started forwards.

"Let! My! Sister! Go!" Rushu turned around at the right time for me to land a laser in his eye.

"Ow what the..." he blinked a couple times "oh if it isn't my little friend Y/n." He grabbed me in his hand. "That pathetic dragon is your sister."

I growled and started to shoot lasers in his hand but it seemed to have no effect on him. "She's not Pathetic shes stronger then you know!

Yugo pov.
I found Dally in all this mess and we found a nice place to hideout in for now. I looked at the ground "Qilby is a tratior this is all his fault!" Dallys looked at my confused.

"Qilby really?" He seemed to be confused.

"Yeah he's been playing us from the start... and now..." my ears dropped a little ", y/n is trying to charge Rushu..." I paused "stay safe Dallly I need to find Qilby."

I used my portals to get around trying to find the tratior when I finally found him.

"Ah Yugo, you know ive never been a fan of violence but watching threes people tearing each other apart fascinates me." I couldn't believe he was this calm.

"You tratior! You used us like pawns and lied to us about everything! You brought them to our world!" I watched as Qilby stood up.

"No everyone else is the tratior! Non of you supported me except Y/n and my sister!" He growled. "But soon we will be reunited to rule over the others togeather!" He started laughing like a mad man and I froze, this was not how this was supposed to go.

The battle started and I could barely keep pace with him. I soon found myself on another part of the island and Phaerys stood above in his dragon from protecting me. "Thank... you..."

"Stay still and recover your Energy Yugo." He wrapped his tail around me as he dodged out of the way of another attack.

There before us stood Adamai "give me back my brother!" And screamed and we were thrown inside the cave under the water.

Y/n pov.
I couldn't move as he picked up my sister in his other hand. He tossed her into the air yet she didn't move or amor a attempt to save herself as he caught her again "izumi! Please! Your stronger then this!" I was helpless as I watched him toy with her...

"Y-y/n?" My head shot yo tears streaming down my face as I saw her regain her conscious

"Izumi!!!" I cried out as I watched him grab her in his hand and throw her. He dropped me when dally and Rubi started to pick on him and I raced forwards finding my sister I fell to the ground and pulled her head to rest on my lap she was bleeding badly. "He-hey Izumi..." I smiled.

"Y-y/n?" She opened her eyes and gave me a sad smiled.

"Ye-yeah it's me sis..."

"It's really cold..." she mumbled.

"I know... I know..." I picked up the rest of her and held her body against mine hoping to share my body heat.

"I love you..."

"I know... shush you need to save your strength..."

"I promise... your so much more then to protect our king..." I looked at her confused as to why she called Yugo the king.

"No I'm not! It's all I'm good for!"

"I believe... in........yo-" her eyes closed before she could say anything else... and time seemed to slow.

"Izumi?... sis.... open your eyes!" I held her closer to me and started to cry out.

Yugo pov.

I stood before phearys and Qilby when we all felt a wave of Wakfu emitting over and over each one stronger then the last. "Y/n?" I noticed how everyone looked as confused as I did as she kept emitting the waves.

Finally everyone got back to business "Yugo the dufus!" I was snapped out of my trance and jumped up ready to grab the Dofus but was smacked out of the air.

Qilby smiled as he grabbed his Dofus and power started to emit from him. Another wave of Y/n's Wakfu crashes into me... it was so upset and out of control, I had to finish this fast and get to her! Suddenly something snapped in me and I felt power raging besides me was this was Phaerys was talking about.

"I'm ready!" I got ready to start up my attack again. The real battle was about to begin.

Y/n pov.
A strong bloodlust filled my body along with a strong sense of revenge.

Protect her.... save her... they killed her... I failed to protect....

Protect Yugo and destroy everything in my way...
A/n make sure  you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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