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****I wrote this story with a few things from Naruto in mind. I do not own those ideas and I do hope you enjoy. Example: ARTS is basically my version of the ANBU. The country in which Kimiko comes from is also an idea I used from Naruto due to the fact that I did not want to add ninja villages like the ones in Naruto. I repeat. I DO NOT OWN THE IDEAS THAT HELPED SHAPE MY STORY. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!****

"If your eyes had turned red

With this sword I will change everything back to how it was.

I am always waiting for the real you.

Until the day we meet again like how we used to be." The audience applauded and we bowed. Getting off the stage, I relaxed myself in the soft cushion of the chairs provided by the teachers.

I'm Yukihana Tengoku. I'm 16 and my birthday is on June 1st. My favorite color is blue. I live in Tokyo, Japan. I'm an orphan and I live by myself. I play in orchestra and sing in the school's chorus. I also play the violin and piano.

"Yuki!" Asami came running over to me. She plays in band and plays the flute.

"That was awesome!"

"Thanks! You too!" This was my life. Asami was my best friend, and I couldn't have a better bestie than her!

"Yuki." I turned to face a familiar face.


"Nice job, Yuki." Sasuke was my boyfriend and my childhood friend. His full name is Sasuke Moesashi. His parents died when he was young, and he only has his older brother, Itachi Moesashi. (Seems about right if you watch Naruto.)


"Wanna go to the bar tonight? It is Friday."

"Of course! Why would I not?" I turned to Asami.

"You wanna come?" Before she could answer me, her boyfriend, Amai Suiteki, came over to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Come on, Asami, wanna go? I'm going too," he said, seductively. All she could do is blush and nod her head.


The school bell rung. We were all dismissed.

"Finally!" I saw Asami walking out.

"Asami-chan!" She turned and waved at me. I ran up to her.

"Wanna go shopping?" Asami started squealing and jumping up and down.

"Yes! Let's go! Right now!"

Time Skip

We walked down the millions of aisles finding clothes that were on sale.

"I found one!" I raced over to my bestie. The top she had found was bright pink and there were beads and rhinestone all sewed onto the top, bordering the neck line. It was about $16.58.

"I'm getting this one," she said. She turned and continued shopping. I then spotted a really pretty necklace. I grabbed it and studied it. It had a snow flake and in the middle was a beautiful sapphire. It was pretty costly.

"Asami!" She came over towards me.

"What do you think of this?" She studied it.

"I want it."

"Asami." She looked at me.


"You know you can't have it. I'll help you look for another one, ok?"

"Fine....." She continued shopping. At about 7:00, we headed back home.

"Get dressed and meet me here at 8. Ok?" Asami nodded her head.


Time Skip

"Let's have a drinking contest!" Amai shouted. "The winner gets to have Yuki!"

"What!?" Asami shouted. "Number 1, don't drag my friend into this! Number 2, I'm your girlfriend! You can't say that in front of me!"

"So you're saying that he can say it behind your back?"

"No! He shouldn't say that at all!" I laughed.

"The prize will be $20. Deal?"

"Who's gonna pay that?" Asami asked.

"I will."

"Are you insane Yuki!?"

"Relax. I got a plan." They started drinking.


"5 bottles!"

"Oh yeah!? 10 bottles!"

"That's pathetic! I drank 20!"

"You're the pathetic one!"

"Oh yeah!?"

"Bring it on!"

Time Skip

In the end, Sasuke drank about 30 while Amai drank 25.

"Come on, let's get you home," I whispered to Sasuke.


"Come on, Utsukushi! You can do it!" Utsu tried and tried and then, she finally did it.

"I did it! I did it!" I sighed and sat down on the grass. The breeze felt nice against my skin.

I'm Kimiko Makoto. I'm a ninja from The Land of Fire. I live in the Fire Nation's capital, Kassai. I'm 16 years old. My birthday is June 1st and my favorite color is red. I've been an orphan ever since my parents were killed in war, and I live by myself. I have a rank as a ninja and I'm in the Assassination, Researching, and Tactical Squad. The ARTS.

"Kimiko!" I looked up.

"What do you want Kumo?" His full name is Kumo Kage. He's my boyfriend and childhood friend.

"Me and Yami are gonna go drink tonight, wanna come?"

"Hell yeah!" Yami is Utsukushi's boyfriend. I waved at Utsukushi.

"Utsu! Wanna go shopping!?" She nodded her head.


Time Skip

"Utsu! Look!" I held up a necklace I had just found. It was a fiery red flame with a ruby in the middle.

"I'm getting this! What about you Utsu?"

"I'm getting this top!" It was purple with trimmings and it was a tank top. It was crossed on the back.

"Ok! Let's go look for more!"

Time Skip

"Chug! Chug! That's 13 bottles! Yea!" I shouted.

"Your turn!"

"Wha!? I'm 16! I'm too young!"

"Then why are you here?" I stopped argueing.

"Fine........" I drank one bottle. Then 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and in the end, I drank about 20 bottles while Kumo drank 15 and Yami drank 19. Utsu clapped.

"Great job Kimi!" I smirked. "Thanks!"

I felt very faint and nearly toppled over.

"I guess you can't drink that well," Kumo said.

"Yea..." Kumo carried me home.

"Thanks dude," I muttered.

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