The Truth

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Yukihana POV

I was shocked. I was in another dimension! I tried to calm down but I couldn't.

Don't judge. You would probably be like that too.

", is there some kinda city hall or something like an office?"

"There's the Fire Temple where the leader resides, secluded from the city."

"Thanks." I walked towards the Tower. I stopped.

"Excuse me," I asked a gentleman. "Do you know where the Fire Temple is located?"

"In the center of the city. You'll see big crimson gates."

"Thanks." I walked on. I stopped again.

"How do I get there?" The man chuckled.

"I'm Kishimoto Ungaku. you can call me Ki." He shook my hand. "I can tell you're new around here."

"Yes, I am."

"Would you like me to show you around?"

"No thank you. Just take me to the temple. By the way, I'm Yukihana Tengoku. Call me Yui or Yuki."

"Certainly," Kishimoto replied.

Time Skip

We finally arrived.

"Be careful. There's a forest surrounding the temple filled with many beasts that can easily rip out your throat." I gulped.

"" I replied.

Kimiko POV

Where am I? How did I get here? Who are these people? These are questions that I wish I knew the answer to.

"Yuki! What happened! You gotta tell us!"

"I told you I'm not Yukihana! I'm Kimiko Makoto, an A-Class Fire User!" The brown girl shook her head.

"I don't know what's wrong.............." She looked at me.

"What is my name?" She asked. I gave no reply.

"How should I know............"

Yukihana POV

My feet are killing me. Literally. I've been walking for who-knows-how-long and my feet are burning! Where the hell is that lord guy thingy! I saw a bright red tower. I walked in.

"Excuse me!? I'm looking for The Lord or mayor of this city!" I yelled. A guard came over to me and started to lead the way.

"Come in," a voice said as I knocked the door.

"Hi," I greeted. "I was wondering where I am and stuff, cuz I'm new here......" I said, trying not to sound awkward. The old man looked up. His face was creased with old age, his eyes were squinted. I just stood there.

"You are Yukihana Tengoku." My eyes widened.

"You have come from Tokyo and landed in this large city of mine. You will stay and work as an assassin. Your goal is to become an A-Class assassin. Until then, you may not go back to Tokyo." I stood there, shocked.

Kimiko POV

"For the last time I am not Yukihana!!!!!" I shouted. They were really getting on my nerves. "I am Kimiko Makoto and that is final!" The brown haired girl kept sobbing.

"Ok seriously tell me where I am!" After a few choked sobs and a whimper, she replied.

"You really aren't Yuki. I'm Asami Kazeyoko. You are in Tokyo near our high school."

"Never heard of this place."

Kill me. I'm lazy, I don't wanna do stuff, I'm busy, I'm stuck with a class I don't want, I have a horrible history teacher and I'm running outta patience! I'm very sorry. I'll update in a week.

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