A New Twist

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"Guys............that's no ordinary person......"

"What do you mean Aoi?"

"Yuki, don't you know him?"

"Should I?" Aoi sighed. Shivering, she said the words that still terrify me today.

"He's no human, Yuki. He's Hades!" I gasped. For those who don't know, Hades is a dark mage who seeks nothing but power. He's a demon, or at least acts like one. Akio stepped in.

"What are you doing here!? Go away!" Akio ran up to him to throw a punch, but failed in doing so. Akio threw kicks and punches, all which failed to hurt Hades. Finally, he hit him. Hades chuckled.

"You call that a punch? I'll show you what a real punch is!" Hades punched Akio, and he flew back into a wall, causing him to faint.

"Akio!" Hades chuckled.

"Helpless now, are we?" He laughed.

"I'll show you what I can really do!" He launched a beam of energy at us. We were able to dodge but barely.

"Asami! Call the police!"

"Got it!" She dialed the number but before she could press the call button, she was struck by Hades and hit the wall behind her.

"Asami!" Aoi called. That was a huge mistake. Suddenly, a bright light blinded us and when it faded, Aoi was on the ground with blood pooling around her. I was terrified.

"Aoi!"I stood there as my friends got beat up. When all my friends were laying on the ground, covered in wounds and bruises, he walked up to me. He smirked.

"Playtime is over."


There was nothing there. I ran back to the city as fast as I could. Misaki was waiting for me to file the report. Suddenly, out of no where, a beam of energy came out and nearly hit me. It burned through the tree like it was nothing by air. I stopped.

"I know you're there! Come out!" I shouted. A deep chuckle echoed through the forest.

"So what Tazuki said was true........" He said. I took out my sword.

"Reveal yourself!" Soon, a black hole appeared in the sky and a man emerged from it.

"Who are you!?" I shouted. "What do you want with me!?" He once again chuckled.

"Thats for you to find out." He smirked. I didn't like this guy. Not one bit. I started throwing knives at him yet he dodged every one of them. Next, I used my ninja star. At least one of them were able to hit him. He started retaliating.

"You're quite good." I smiled.

"Thanks." We fought and fought. I slashed my sword at him. He dodged, much to my surprise, causing me to get hit by his magic. I flew back into a tree and coughed blood. He walked up to me.

"Playtime, is over."


3rd Person POV

The cops rushed over to the scene. Everyone was safe, just a couple of cuts and bruises. They were ok. Very few had to be rushed to the ER. But, when Aoi awoke, she noticed something very strange.

"Yukihana? Where are you?" She asked. The cops searched to whole school, but she was found no where. Aoi and he friends started panicking.

"Where is she!?" they all asked. They searched but there was no trace of her. Asami started crying, Sasuke started pacing back and forth, Aoi started panicking, and Akio started punching the wall in frustration.

"Dammit dammit dammit!" Akio yelled.

"We can't find her," Asami said, sobbing. "What do we do?"

"I don't know.......what can we do?" Sasuke asked.

"We can't do anything. There's no trace of her. It's like she didn't even exist." Aoi turned away. "She might even be dead."

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