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Adalia ~

"Well excuse me sir, but it is our first day here as you should know. So finding class was bound to be a struggle" i sassed while crossing my arms over my chest.

He cocked his head to the side, studying me before opening his mouth to speak "I will see you after class" His deep voice filled the room sending shivers down my spine.

Me and Violet walked over to the two seats that where available on the front row and sat down, placing our books in front off us.

"Can you believe that's our teacher" she whispered while fanning herself, a quiet chuckle left my lips before turning my attention back to him as he began to speak again.

"So for the students who where late, I'm Mr Collin" his eyes landed on me. I quickly looked away and tucked a piece off my golden brown wavy hair behind my ear.

I know it seems so inappropriate, wait no it is inappropriate. But something about him excites me, my stomach swarmed with butterflies when his beautiful eyes scanned my body when I first walked into the room, that's a feeling I've never experienced.

Yep I'm eighteen years old and never even had my first kiss. All through high school I avoided guys and focused on my studies, I was not popular but i did have a good set off friends and a lot off male attention but it just never interested me.

But him he's just so..intimidating.

What am I talking about? I don't even know him and he's my goddamn teacher! But I just couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same instant spark between the two off us.


Class was over and I may add he is an incredible teacher, I'm kind off glad we don't have a boring old hag who thinks they know it all. I gathered my books and placed them into my bag before lifting from my seat. As I walked towards the exit, chatting away to Violet a deep voice stopped me.

"Miss Medford, I told you I'd see you after class" he stated and I slowly turned back to face him.

"I will wait for you in the cafeteria" Violet sent me a wave before leaving the room with the rest off the students.

"Yes?" I innocently said, acting as if I had absolutely no clue as to why he wanted to see me.

"That kind off attitude and back chat you had at the start off class, will not be tolerated in my classroom" he explained as I walked towards his desk.

My eyes glanced to the folder in front off him. It was plain black and had a label on the front which read:
Trayson Collin. English literature, Class 4b.

"I understand, Trayson" the words left my mouth in the most unfamiliar, may I even say seductive way. He cleared his throat before grabbing a piece off paper from the draw underneath his desk.

"Good, now would you mind handing this to the head office for me on your way out?" He wrote something onto it before folding it and handing it to me.

As he did our fingers skimmed against each other's instantly sending shivers down my spine, His beautiful eyes shot up to mine.

Did he feel it too?

"See you tomorrow" he lifted from his desk and spun around so he was now facing the chalk board, he began rubbing off the things he had wrote onto it and I took that as my queue to leave.

The tall door closed behind me and I let out a huff off air before looking down at the piece off paper he had handed me. My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as the words: For you. Where on the front off the paper, i slowly un peeled it to see he had wrote his number on it.

I gasped before shoving it straight into my pocket like it was a weapon I needed to hide. He gave me his number? But why? Thoughts swirled through my mind as I made my way to the college's cafeteria.

"Finally! Hey Adalia, come over here meet Katie" I heard Violets squeaky voice, snapping me from my thoughts.

A small smiled spread across my face as I shook the girls hand who was sat opposite Violet. After letting go I took a seat by them and pulled my sandwich that I had prepared this morning in the dorm room, out off my bag.

"Katie here is studying to be a lawyer, we just got chatting" Violet explained.

We soon got lost in conversation but my mind still couldn't help but wonder to Mr Collin, His round bright blue eyes and perfect face was haunting my mind.


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