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Wedding Planner Rule Number 5

Your personal problems should never affect your planning.

"So, you're telling me that Mr. Hot Carlisle and his model fiancée don't live in the same house?"

I raised an eyebrow at Jenna. "It's not our place to judge other people."

She held up her hands in defense. "I'm not judging. I'm just saying that if I had the privilege of being engaged to Aiden Carlisle, not only would I be living with him, I'd be spreading him on a cracker and eating him up. Mmm!"

I laughed. Jenna was pretty impossible, sometimes.

"Speaking of relationships," she went on, "What's happening with two lovebirds today?"

She waggled her eyebrows at me.

"Ian is taking me to dinner at Florentine's," I said, bashfully, batting my eyelashes at her, as she dropped her jaw, "And we're going to have a nice quiet dinner date."

"Saucy," Jenna said, sarcastically, as she walked out.

I turned my attention back to my work.

Ian and I had been dating for two years and today was our second anniversary. We had both been quite busy with work and hadn't found a lot of time to be in each other's company, so we had set aside today to go on a proper date and spend some time together.

That morning I wrote a card and had it delivered to Ian's office. I got a reply from him via text.

I loved the card. It was so sweet. I'll write you something soon.

I sighed, trying not to be disappointed, knowing that he loved me and he was busy with his merger and didn't have time to write me a card, or a message. Ian absolutely loved to barbecue, so I had gotten him a grill set as a gift.

Even though I was slightly disappointed that I didn't get an anniversary message, I was excited to leave work early and go get ready for our date.

I took time in washing up and blow-drying my hair, finding the perfect outfit with the perfect shoes and made sure that everything for our anniversary night dinner date would be perfect.

By the time seven o'clock rolled around, I was ready to walk out the door as soon as Ian came to pick me up as he promised. I sat on the couch and read through some new issues of bridal magazines to keep up to date on everything that was going on in the wedding world.

When seven turned into seven-thirty, I didn't worry all that much because there was always traffic in the evenings and Ian needed to get home from work and then to my place.

However, when seven-thirty turned into eight, I checked my phone to see if I had missed any calls or texts from him, which I hadn't.

I sent him a text which said: Hey! Waiting for you to pick me up. Where are you?

Fifteen minutes went by and there was no answer.

At that point I was hungry, thirsty and annoyed. I opened a bag of Doritos and dug in knowing that this probably wouldn't end well.

There was no response from him and I was beyond angry.

A little past eight-thirty, my doorbell rang. When I went to open it, Ian stood there, wearing his suit, clearly indicating that he had come straight from work.

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