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I wasn't going to, but I had an idea, so I did. Enjoy! ;)


Three Years and One Day Later

Rosalie's Whatsapp

09:12 AM: Voice note from Jenna Kingsley:

"Uh, Ro. You sent me that voice note at like eleven-thirty last night. Screamed "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" into it for like three solid minutes and hung up. Should I be worried? Should we be celebrating? I mean, you still haven't told me where I can stop my fingers, so, I kind of want to be worried and excited, because you and I both know that Aiden exudes big d – ow! Elliot, I swear to God, I will tell Mom. Sorry, that was my stupid brother punching me in the ribcage for mentioning his friend's d – Fine! I won't say it – Anyway, I know it's Saturday and you're probably swatting at your boyfriend to stop trying to wake you up, so I'll expect a reply in like three hours. Just know that I'm concerned about your "Eeep". It was an excited "Eeep", though. I'm sure it didn't take you guys three years to do it. I mean, I've seen the way Aiden looks at you, especially when you wear that red, sparkly dress – Ow! Jesus, Elliot, didn't you take an oath as a doctor not to hurt people? – As much as you may not want to hear it from me, I'm sure your friend, Aiden has a very vibrant sexual life with his gorgeous girlfri – WHAT?"

09:27 AM: Voice Note from Jenna Kingsley:

"You got engaged and I had to hear about it from my brother?! You screamed "Eeeep" at me because you got engaged? Honey, that did not translate. Also, I'm calling Isa and telling her because she owes me. I told her that Aiden would propose within these four months. I hope she's awake. Sure, I had an advantage because I know this is the month that he started coming over and making pancakes for you three years ago, but let's not tell her that. Isa better be awake for me to rub this in her face – Oh, my God! Ro! You're finally going to be planning your own wedding! I could cry! I will totally be there with you every step of the way even though we don't work together anymore. I mean, I had to take over the family company, right? Couldn't let my idiot brother handle it – Elliot! Stop it! I'll tell Mom that you're throwing food at me again. Yes, I know you're a doctor and you don't have a business degree, like me. Freaking show-off. Anyway, Ro. Call me any time about the planning and celebrating."

09:37 AM: Voice Note from Isabella Hammond:

"Oh, my God! Rosalie, you're engaged! That's so great, even if I did lose that bet with Jenna. Is there a Mother of all Wedding Planner to plan the weddings of wedding planners? Anyway, congratulations, you bitch, I'm so happy for you. Aiden is the luckiest guy on the planet. My love to you both. Also, why did I hear this from Jenna? She mentioned that you've gone AWOL and that Elliot told her. Call us! We have to celebrate."

Aiden's Whatsapp

09:28 AM: Message from Elliot Kingsley:

Hey man, I hope everything went great last night. I'm sure you were a smooth-talker as usual. I also really hope she said yes. Just wanted to let you know that I told my sister. She sort of pried it out of me. And I'm pretty sure she will tell Isa because they have some bet going.

Congrats, man.

09:37 AM: Voice Note from Isabella Hammond:

"You just couldn't wait another month, could you, Romeo? Now, I owe Jenna a dinner at Giorgio's. The least you could do is find out a day that that pathetic excuse for a man, Brad, won't be there. Anyway, congratulations. I look forward to throwing you a bachelor party. I kid."

Rosalie's Whatsapp

12:49 PM: Voice Note from Jenna:

"Not only did Mr. Billionaire put a ring on it, he also flew you to Paris for the weekend? Really? Isn't the honeymoon supposed to happen after the wedding? Oh, God! You didn't have a Vegas wedding, did you? You wouldn't. You love weddings too much. Anyway, I know that you're probably hella getting some right now, so you CALL ME when you can finally uncross your eyes. Yes, I think your friend must be good in bed, Elliot. I can care about the sexual prowess of both men and women. And you know I do. – Elliot and I are home for the weekend and now, I remember why I wanted to kill him when we were younger. Ro, just get online so that we can scream about this. When you're done *clears throat* with what you're doing, of course."

Rosalie's Voicemail

03:45 PM: From Dr. Donna Fisher:

"Ms. Darling, this is Dr. Fisher. I was glad to hear from you and know that you're feeling better. I wanted to let you know that the test results from the blood test I asked you to take look good. You're in perfect health. This might be a little unconventional to do over the phone, but I did want to let you know as soon as possible: you're pregnant. Congratulations, Rosalie, you're going to be a mother. Call me if you need any recommendations for an OB-GYN."

Three Years and Three Days Later

Elliot's Voicemail:

10:23 AM: From Aiden:

"I. Am. Going. To. Be. A. Dad. I know, I channeled my inner Jenna right there, but I'm so excited, man. I'm going to be a Dad. A Dad. I think I could burst right now. Rosalie is absolutely glowing. God, I love her so much. We did an ultrasound today and I swear, I pretty much died when we heard that heartbeat. Okay, okay, I'm going to start crying again if I keep talking. Tell anyone that and I'll kill you."

Whatsapp Group with Rosalie, Jenna and Isabella:

10:45 AM: Voice Note from Rosalie:

"We did an ultrasound today. Apparently, I'm about six weeks along at this point. I'll send you guys pictures. Oh, that heartbeat. I swear, I cried, but you should have seen Aiden. That man was bawling harder than the baby that's currently growing inside me. God. His smile was so huge and he kept squeezing my hand, saying, "Look, Ro! It's our baby". I know, I know, it's the man I choose to love. Anyway, the doctor left the room for a few minutes and Aiden just pulled me in for a hug and kept telling me "Thank you" over and over again. My shoulder was so damp when he finally lifted his head. I told him that I'm not the only one responsible, but then he was like "You're magic, Ro. You're growing our child.". I think he's walking on a cloud right now. I've never seen any man happier to receive a hospital bill. And oh God! The pamphlets! He's going to read all those pamphlets. He practically popped a vein when he saw that the copies of the one for "Pregnancy Diet" were over. That nurse practically ran and when he came back, he had even more pamphlets and that made Aiden very happy. He's over there talking to the same nurse about God knows what. So, I told him yesterday, when we were in Paris about this, right? He was so heartbroken that he couldn't make me pancakes. He keeps kissing my stomach. Seriously. That's almost all he's been doing since I told him."

Three Years and Eight Months Later

Gammy's Voicemail:

08:46 PM: From Aiden:

*Muffled sniffling*

"She has my eyes, but she's all Rosalie. She's absolutely perfect."


Don't forget to check out my latest book and find out even more about Rosalie and Aiden:

Much love!

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