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The pancake situation was really getting out of hand

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The pancake situation was really getting out of hand.

I knew this because not only did I wake up that morning to the aroma of pancakes cooking on the grill, when I ventured out into the kitchen, I saw Aiden standing next to a teetering pile of them almost as tall as himself.

"Aiden," I said slowly, "I think you may have a problem."

He turned to me, wiping a line of sweat off his brow with the back of his hand and gave me a lopsided smile.

"There's only about twenty-four of them," he shrugged, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel.

I raised one eyebrow at him with half a smile. It was then that I noticed that he was not, in fact wearing a shirt.

I don't think I had seen Aiden without a shirt before, at it was definitely a sight to behold. Despite being an influential businessman, it was apparent that Aiden spent a good amount of time molding his physique.

I stepped towards him, my eyes glued to his torso. When I stood in front of him, he put a finger under my chin and raised my head so that I looked up at him.

"I think you're drooling," he teased, with his signature self-confident smirk. He knew exactly how good-looking he was.

I raised my head and titled my chin up. "It's the pancakes," I told him, tossing my hair over my shoulder and pushing past him to get to the pancakes.

Aiden immediately turned and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me towards him. "Not so fast," he demanded. He lowered his head and kissed me.

"Now you can have pancakes," he said, once he had pulled away.

"What are you doing today?" I asked.

"Without you?" he asked, leaning against the counter as I stuffed my face with the fresh pancakes that he had promised me, "I guess I'll just get by."

"I'm sorry, but I have to go into the office today," I told him, my mouth full of pancakes, "I need to do the final bit of prep for the wedding on Monday."

Aiden raised an eyebrow. "You know, I can tell it's gotten pretty bad when you're practically spitting bits of pancake at me because you're talking to me with your mouth full and I still think you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

In my chest, I felt like my heart had thudded to life and I stared at him, with my eyes wide. He waited for me to speak, a small smile on his face.

I put the pancake that I was holding down. "Aiden," I said, when I had swallowed the bite.

He put one hand on my waist. "Does it scare you when I say things like that?" he asked.

I nodded slowly. "We haven't even been on a proper date yet," I told him, raising one shoulder.

"We shall remedy that soon," he said, "Right after Monday's wedding."

He straightened himself up.

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