I'll help you up no matter how many times you fall

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Suddenly there was warmth, the scent of green tea and flowers filling his senses. His nose took a huge whiff of it and his lungs felt refreshed. His body shivered and he snuggled closer into the warmth surrounding him. He felt a hesitant but gentle caress on his lower back and a soft hand petting his hair back, trying to get it away from his forehead where it's sticking to. Hinata noticed that he was drenched by the rain. "You're gonna catch a cold, idiot." Kageyama muttered into his hair and tightened his hold on Hinata. He was squatting in front of the short orange haired boy, pulling him into his chest. Hinata tightly held onto Kageyama's shirt.

Hinata let out a long sigh, his trembles calming and his breathing becoming regular. Kageyama wasn't mad at him, he was hugging him. Kageyama never hugged anyone, let alone unnecessarily touched.

"Here are some towels." His mother came back and Kageyama pulled back, Hinata reached towards him but he got pushed back by Kageyama, his grip stayed on Hinata's shoulders. That calmed Hinata a little. "You gotta change clothes, if you catch a cold you won't be able to play volleyball." He grumbled and looked everywhere but at Hinata, a red tint flushed over his cheeks. Hinata nodded slightly, his eyes never leaving Kageyama's features.

He felt a towel being dropped onto his head and Kageyama's hands left his shoulders. He started trembling again and someone was drying his hair with the towel, they pushed it back so it was out of his face and he saw Kageyama still sitting in front of him with his lips pursed and a slight frown on his face as he was drying Hinata's hair.

"I'm sorry." Hinata looked down at his knees, his hands clenched together resting on them, "What for?" He felt Kageyama's breath hit his face, "For barging in this late." Hinata mumbled and saw a tear fall down on top of his hand. Kageyama stopped drying his hair but his hands stayed on his head, Hinata looked up and his eyes met those piercing blue ones. They held an emotion Hinata couldn't quite place. "You better have a good reason." Kageyama huffed and looked away, the blush returning. "Either way, what's most important is that you're safe and that you don't catch a cold."

Kageyama stood up and took the towel up with him. Hinata followed Kageyama with his eyes and the taller one looked down at him again, reaching out the hand that wasn't holding the towel, "Dumbass." He muttered and Hinata took his hand ignoring the comment. He stood up but didn't let go of Kageyama's hand. It was soft and large compared to his, it felt warm, Hinata didn't want to let go, "God, your hands are freezing." Kageyama said in an irritated tone. Hinata flinched and looked down at his drenched clothes sticking to his body.

"Hinata-kun?" Hinata heard Kageyama's father speak and he looked up at the two parents standing beside each other with worried faces, "Your mother said you ran out without an explanation." He said, "She's quite worried." Sumi-sama added and held out the phone. Hinata released Kageyama's hand and took the phone with trembling hands, his fingers were numb and he almost let it fall. "H-Hello?" He said into the phone.

"Shouyou! What is wrong with you!" His mother sounded furious, Hinata's breath hitched again, "I..." He said and his lip trembled, tears welled up again, "I," He let out a shaky breath. He felt a warm, strong hand rest on his shoulder and he glanced sideways towards Kageyama's stern face. His eyes looked encouraging, Hinata took another deep breath and looked down at his wet socks, his shoes scattered somewhere on the floor.

"I had to see Kageyama, I'll," He closed his eyes and his hold on the phone tightened, "Something happened and I had to see him." He stated and the hand on his shoulder flinched, "Something happened with him?" His mother questioned, she had calmed down a bit. Hinata bit his lip, "No, something happened to me." He whispered into the phone.

"What?" His mother questioned again, "I," Hinata started and took another shaky breath. The hand on his shoulder tightened and the thumb started drawing soothing circles. "I had a nightmare, it seemed so real I-" Hinata felt a cry leave his mouth and his entire body shivered. He held his breath and let out a choked noise. "I see. You should've told me." His mother sounded sad, "I," Hinata wiped his nose with his sleeve, "I was in a panic, all I could think of was going to Kageyama, I didn't know what was real and what wasn't. I was scared-" He let out another sob.

"Shh, it's okay honey. If you feel safe with him that's fine. I'll bring your stuff in the morning okay? Please go to bed and don't forget to thank them." His mother didn't sound as concerned, she understood. Hinata had always been a vivant dreamer. "No, I won't." Hinata muttered as he let out another shaky sigh. "I'll thank them too and apologize for the inconvenience. You get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah," Hinata wiped his eyes, "I love you Shouyou." Hinata's lips formed a small smile, "I love you too mom." He said and handed the phone back to Kageyama's father. "Let's get you dressed, Tobio go give him some warm clothes. I'll make some hot chocolate." Kageyama nodded and took Hinata by the wrist and pulled him along.

Hinata felt embarrassed, this was awkward. They entered Kageyama's room, leaving a wet trail and he released Hinata's wrist. He started searching throughout his closet and threw a sweater and some shorts back at him, Hinata caught them all. "I can't find any pants that'd fit you, these shorts are from junior high I hope you don't mind." Hinata shook his head muttered a thank you.

"Go get changed, I'll be in the living room." Kageyama walked past him and closed the door behind him leaving on the lights. Hinata got changed and pulled on the sweater. It was weird to wear Kageyama's clothes. The shorts barely fit as they slumped down a bit and he almost drowned in the sweater. The sleeves came past his fingertips and it draped down to his knees and off his shoulder, it was like a dress. Hinata was sure this sweater was too big for Kageyama too, but it was a thick one so he probably gave Hinata the warmest one he had. The sweater was a black one with 'fly!' printed in white on it on the right side of the chest area. Hinata pulled on the warm fuzzy socks and gathered his wet clothes in his arms. He looked around the room and saw a volleyball and Kageyama's volleyball gear. He also saw some weights on the ground. He noticed a paper on Kageyama's night stand. He carefully walked over to it and looked at it.

There were two pictures. One group photo of the Karasuno volleyball team, Hinata frantically searched for number ten, his heartbeat going haywire. His eyes landed on the mob of orange hair, next to Kageyama who glared at him and Tsukishima who had his hand behind Hinata's head giving him bunny ears and beside Tsuki was Yamaguchi who was snickering with his hand covering his mouth. Nishinoya and Tanaka had their arms around each other and Yachi was hiding behind Kiyoko. To the side was coach Ukai who was holding the bridge of his nose his arms crossed looking down and beside him Takeda-sensei who was smiling brightly. Daichi was scowling at Hinata and Tsukishima and Suga had a comforting hand on his shoulder trying to calm the captain down, an amused smile on his gentle face. Asahi looked worried and Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita were standing awkwardly to the side.

Hinata smiled slightly, the memory refreshed in his mind. He remembered this, it was from training camp two weeks ago. His dream wasn't real, it was just a nightmare. He sighed in relieve and put the picture down with a smile. He noticed the second picture and picked it up, his eyes widening. It was a picture on the bus on their way back. Hinata was resting his head on Kageyama's shoulder and Kageyama had his arm wrapped around his waist and his head was resting on his. Where'd he get this picture?

"Hinata? Are you done yet?" Kageyama's voice sounded out and the floorboards creaked. Hinata jumped and turned around with a small gasp, "What are you doing?" Kageyama looked at him from his doorframe, glancing down at the picture in his hand and Kageyama's body tensed. "Oh," He said and took a step backwards.

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