3; Griffin

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-Griffin's POV-
" Cass, over there." I smacked Cassidy's arm to get her attention.
There was a girl lying under a tree in a garden. Her long brown hair was tied back into an English braid that was plagued by fly aways and knots and I could tell just by the look of it, it would never come out without the use of extreme force. She was wearing a very showing black tank top, a pair jeans filled with holes, brown combat boots that were scuffed at the toe and a see through hoodie that was unzipped and sprawled across the dirt. Her skin was tan, and she was laying on a huge army backpack fill to the brim. She looked dead. Very dead.

When Cass saw her too I asked, "So what do you think? Dead? And if so is that pack going to be any use?"
Cass shrugged then pointed to something approaching from a distance, "I don't know, but that walker will find out for us."

What she meant was if the girl was dead, she wouldn't care as a Zombie bit her face off, if she was alive she'd probably wake up as the thing ate her. The fact that she's dead either way reminded me of the Salem witch trials but hey what can you do?

"Maybe shoot the sucker and check for a pulse?" Said the angel on my shoulder in an ironically sassy voice.

"Nah. Too much work for a strange girl." Said the Devil on my other shoulder.

"Sorry Angel Griffin, I'm going with Devil Griffin on this one." I thought.

Angel Griffin put up his hands, "Okay but next time you ask a stupid question, you better hope your life doesn't depend on it, cuz I'm not gonna be here to stop that idiot, " he jabbed his thumb at Devil Griffin,"from killing you." with that Angel Griffin straightened his halo and "poof!"ed into thin air.
Devil Griffin and I shared a look like, "can you believe that guy?!" Then he left too.

Meanwhile, important shiz was happening. Currently, the zombie was a yard or two away from the girl.

"Great so it's gonna take three hours for that thing to reach her." I told Cass.
She shooshed me and continued to watch with great interest, the unfolding scene.

I groaned and slumped against the trunk of a tree.

"Jesus Griffin! You're like a toddler who doesn't want to wait in the lines at Disney World!" She whisper-shouted at me.

"But it takes forever!!! And I just want to see what happens!!! Can't he move any faster!!!" I whined.

"Oh he'll move faster alright, and forget all about the girl, IF YOU DONT SHUT UP!!!" She hissed.

"Haaaaaaaaaa Fine."

Thirty minutes later (not really), the walker had his face three inches away from the girls. I stood up and brushed off my pants,

"Yup, she dead lets go." Cassidy's hand shot out and snatched the back of my collar and slammed me back down on the ground. "Or not we could just stay here that's cool too." I looked over at Cass and noticed that she was still crouching even though it's been like an hour (again not really) since I noticed the girl. "Wait have you been crouching this entire time?"

Suddenly, she sprang up and fired her cross bow, right into the back of the walkers head, and a high pitched shriek followed.

"Nice shot." I told her.

She stood there a while longer before she turned around and walked past me saying, "She's  alive." before going to continue our hunt. I heard the girl call out a meek thanks after her.

I thought for a bit. "hmm." Then I walked out of the bush. When the girl saw me, she freaked out and grabbed a garden spade that was decaying on the ground next to her, and tomahawked it at my face with the force to kill. I dodged it just in time to save my life and it stuck deep into the wood of an Aspen with a 'throng!' noise. I looked at it like, that chick almost killed me with a miniature shovel.

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