4;The Forest

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This chapter is dedicated to the girl who yelled at me to finish it, she knows who she is...

-Airis' POV-

"Um, where are we going?" I asked glancing around cautiously. We had left the clearing a while ago and were now walking along at the top of the cliffs, near my old home. For some reason I didn't want Griffin anywhere near it. He didn't need to see that I was alone. No one needed to know I was vulnerable.

"You'll see." He answered cryptically.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "That makes you sound like a rapist, you know that right?"

"Maybe I am a rapist." He said completely serious.

"YOU DON'T JUST JOKE ABOUT THAT KIND OF STUFF!!!!" I shrieked while he laughed.

Griffin turned around to face me while still walking backwards, and held his hands up in defense, "Sorry, sorry. You know, you're not very good at taking a joke."

I glared at him, my words edged with malice, "I hope you fall off this cliff."

Griffin grinned and spun back around. I stopped for a minute, frustration snarled inside of me. I took a deep breath and clenched my fists.

Ok, ok, calm down, all you have to do is follow the boy until you meet the girl who saved you, then you say your thanks and be on your way, that's it. You can do that right?

Of course afterwards I would have to find a new home, replenish my stockpile, yadda yadda yadda, but I'd cross that bridge when I got to it.

"Hurry up slowpoke, I'm not saving your ass a second time." I looked up to see Griffin, hands shoved in his pockets sauntering along the edge of the cliff, my eyes narrowed.

"My ass won't need saving." I muttered. I glanced over the edge and saw that we were directly above my zombie-infested cave. Time to mess with Griffin a bit.

Silently, I slipped over the edge of the cliff and lowered myself down to my ledge. I let out a little yelp, then hid under the overhang above the ledge. The scuff of rubber souls against the loose gravel-like rocks above said that Griffin had taken the bait. I giggled quietly, I could almost hear his distress.

"Airis?!" He called out.

I popped out from my hiding place and turned to the cliff face, waving my arms until he saw me, then his face turned bright red. Doubling over in a fit of violent laughter, I took a step back. My heel stoped short by a rock on the edge, and my eyes widened as I lost my balance. I watched Griffin's face as an expression of pure horror creeped over it, and I regretted my trick, then I fell to my doom.

"Girl!!!" he screamed at me. "Girl?Girl?! Hey girl?!?!"

I shook my head, and focused my eyes on Griffin's face, "I'm sorry what?" I said with a bright smile and my eyebrows raised at him, floundering to cover up my daydream.

"Okkkk, you're alive, now let's go." He gave me a weird look then started walking away again. I stood there for a while, disturbed by my own imagination.

"Hey Airis?"

"Yeah Conscious?"

"Can we not play a trick on Griffin?"

"Yeah that's probably pretty smart."

"Ok. Thank you"

Ok, that was weird. Also, why is my conscious so passive? You know what? I'm not going to address that.

"Are you going to follow me, or do you want to get eaten?" Griffin asked, walking backwards again.

"Jokes on you, there is one right behind you." I returned, it was mean I know, but I was done with that day.

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