Chapter 26

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Judai: Asuka, take your sister and go.

Asuka: ...No.

He turned, only to see her with a serious look.

Judai: What do you mean 'no'?

Asuka: It means I won't do what you say.

Judai: Please. You have to.

Asuka: No mister! You are hiding something, and not just from your brother!

Judai: If I am hiding something, it means I don't want to reveal it. No matter what you say, I won't tell.

Asuka: Judai... You have changed.

Judai: Huh?

Asuka: You were not like this. Before, you would laugh and play around... and you were honest...

Judai: Asuka...

Asuka: Did that battle from 14 years ago changed you?

Their younger siblings opened their eyes wide at the statement, along with the king.

Judai: How do you know that? Everyone in the kingdom should have forgotten about that event, exept us...

Asuka: What? What does that me-

???: Asuka-san. The king will explain everything when the time is right. Same goes for you two.

Everyone were caught by surprise by the voice, so they turned to look at the door.

Asuka: Johan!

He was leaning in the doorframe with his arms crossed.

Yuri: Why are you here? Were you listening?

From behind him appeared Dennis and Sora, surprising the brothers.

Yuri: Did you call him?

Dennis: If we hadn't done anything, the situation would have turned for the worst.

Sora: Yeah. It would have been nasty.

Judai: Alright. Asuka, like Johan said, I'll tell you when the right time comes. For now, take Serena and go home. Johan, will you accompany them?

Johan: Right away. This way.

When he took them out, the king spoke.

Judai: All of you, resume what you were doing. Yuri, you will come with me.

Yuri: ...


The older brother closed the door of his younger brother's room. Johan came at his direction.

Johan: How long do you plan to keep it a secret?

Judai: Johan, I can't tell him. What do you think he will do after I reveal the truth to him?

Johan: ...I know it's hard, but if he finds it out from someone else, well... we all know how Yuri can be.

Judai: I can't tell the truth to Asuka about her sister either... She will be crushed.

Johan: Speaking of Asuka-san, how can she remember the battle from 14 years ago? Everyone in the kingdom know it as a legend.

Judai: Maybe this didn't work properly?

The king took something out of his clothes. It was exactly like the charms used in fights with monsters, but with a different design.

Johan: Isn't that...

Judai: Yeah. When the princess and the Supreme Dragon vanished, me and the other kings recieved these charms. Then, these casted a memory erasing spell on all the citizens exept-

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