Chapter 59

130 9 18

*Standard kingdom, main hall*

Yuzu: Wow! This is just as amazing as that birthday party you had, Yuya!

Yuya: Big brother tends to go a little overboard when it comes to grandpa. Grandpa doesn't like big parties, especially if it is its own.

Yuzu: But he seems to be having fun.

Both turned to see their families enjoying the party the king had thrown.

Yuzu: I didn't expect my dad to know your family.

Yuya: Ahaha, same here. But back in the day, grandpa was famous for his abilities and knowledge on Ka-Ba.

Yuzu: My father is interested in the technique as well. That might have lead to them meeting each other.

Yuya: Most likely.

Gong: Hey. Enjoying the party?

Yuya: Gongenzaka. You came to join?

Gong: This is a family event.

Yuya: But you are family. Yuzu, this is my best friend Gongenzaka.

Gong: So you are the girl he keeps talking about.

Yuzu: E-eh? Is that so?

She blushed at his words, thinking that Yuya really liked her if he was talking about her all the time.

Yuzu: Nice to meet you. I'm Yuzu Hiiragi.

Gong: It is great to see you.

Both shook their hands in sign of respect. Yuya left his drink on the table, stretching his arms.

Yuzu: What's the matter?

Gong: Are you tired?

Yuya: No, quite the contrary. I am in the mood to do something... How do I put it? Ah, thrilling!

Yuzu: Yuya, no. You are not planning to do something dangerous, are you?

Gong: Yuya, what are you thinking?

Yuya: Relax, both of you. I am not thinking anything outrageous. Just follow me.

Best friend and soulmate looked at each other, then back at Yuya who was leaving.

Yuzu: Yuya! Goddess, what a guy!

Gong: This never ends well. We have no choice but to follow him.

Yuzu: Yes.

Yuya had made a good distance between himself and the others, so they were forced to run if they didn't want to lose him.

Yuya: Come on slowpokes.

Yuzu: Say that one more time and I'll hit you!

The prince gave a toothy grin as he waited for them to catch up to him. Both arrived, panting. Yuya was incredibly agile, gifted with acrobatics and speed, since strength wasn't his forte.

Gongenzaka: Yuya, that was dirty.

Yuya: It's not my fault I am fast.

Yuzu: Yuya, can you at least tell us what's on your mind?

Yuya: I was thinking, since my brother is busy at the moment, this is the perfect chance to explore the castle.

Both of them were stunned. Well, they were expecting something else, so this caught them off guard.

Yuya: What's with the faces?

Gongenzaka: That's it?

Yuya: What were you expecting? I told you that I wasn't thinking of anything outrageous, didn't I?

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