Chapter 1

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xQc's POV

I was finishing up the stream that I had planned for today. I did Reddit Recap and I played some horror game that I don't remember the name of. I turned off my camera as I said goodbye and I played my outro. I watched as the chat flooded with "I ENJOYED MY STAY xqcL" and "PepeHands."

I left my bus chair after I spaced out for a few seconds. I felt hungry so I went to my freezer to pick out some food that I could throw into the oven while I relaxed for a bit. I found some Kirkland Beef Lasagna that I bought a while ago and I threw that sucker into the oven. (Not literally, I did that once and the maids was finding shards of glass everywhere for a whole month.)

I decided to check on my daughter, Celestia, since I actually had nothing better to do. I walked upstairs and knocked once on her door. When I heard her say "Come in," I opened the door to find her lying on the floor. She had her headphones plugged into her phone and she was looking at the popcorn ceiling. "What do you want, Dad?"

I stared at her for a few seconds before I responded. I remember when she was a baby and she could barely walk or talk. It seems like yesterday that she was only 10 wanting to play outside and do art, one of her favorite pastimes. But now she's 16. Still not an adult, but definitely not a little kid anymore.

"I just wanted to check on how you're doing." I then replied with, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Dad. Why are you asking me that?" She took her headphones off her ears and sat in a crisscross applesauce position. Her brown eyes were glancing at mine, as if she was nervous. She was never this nervous around me before. Why is she acting like this?

"You're acting so quiet now. It's very unusual for you." It seemed like she gained her confidence back as she started staring at my eyes with an angry gaze.

"You say that I have to keep quiet while you're doing your streams. You say that so no one knows my existence." Her voice was getting louder by each word and her hands were becoming more expressive. I knew when she did that, she was going to blow a fuse. I was mentally preparing myself for the scolding and insults that she was going to throw my way. I guess she inherited my short temper as well as her brunette hair and brown eyes.

"Why can't no one know my existence, huh?! It's like I'm a prisoner in my own home! More than half my time, I have to stay in my room and keep my noise to a minimum! While most teens go out and party and go to each other's houses and have fun, I have to sit in my room and stay quiet just because my father is the famous xQc, the Overwatch pro and the embodiment of the internet!"

My pride broke a little when she mocked my presence on the internet. I completely understood her resentment towards me but it's something I have to do. I don't want my fans to know that I have a daughter because they could start trying to spy on her or use her to get to me. I know fame comes with a price but I want to protect my daughter from the downsides of that. I love her too much for something horrible to happen to her just because a crazed fan wanted to get to me.

"Celestia, we've talked about this before. You and I both know why I do this. I want to keep you safe." When she stood up, I pulled her into a hug. " You know I love you too much for something horrible to happen."

I felt her hands push against my chest as I released her from my grasp. She knocked a little bit of my breath out. She's stronger than I remember. She couldn't even hold a gallon of milk a few years ago. I returned myself back to reality as I saw her lips turn into a scowl. "This is so stupid! I'm not a little kid anymore, Dad! I can take care of myself now! How many times do I have to tell you that I'm 16, and I will be 17 in a couple of months. It's like you still see me as a child! I just want to be a normal teenager!"

I watched her as she leaped onto her bed and started to punch a pillow. It seemed like she had enough anger to choke me if she wanted to, and I can't die now because I still need the juice. I started to back out of the room slowly and then close the door slowly until I heard the door interlock and shut completely. I let out an exhale as I walked downstairs to check on the lasagna.

It wasn't even close to done even though it's been 30 minutes since I went upstairs and returned to the lasagna. I felt like my stomach was eating itself so I grabbed an apple from the fridge and ate that while I went to my streamer room. I finished the apple and tossed it to the side with the endless amount of trash and Coke bottles. The maids will take care of that when they come next week.

I realized that I never actually ended the stream and people were still spamming "I ENJOYED MY STAY" in the chat. As I watched the chat, I started to feel weirdly emotional and I felt my eyes watering. I closed the stream for good and I let the tears flow. I felt my heart breaking as I replayed the argument I had with Celestia in his head. My heart was breaking into two(?) with one half of my heart with Celestia, my only child and the other half of my heart with my fans that have supported me and got me to where I am today.

I cried some more until I looked at the time on my monitor. 5:43?! I'd usually be in bed dreaming by that time! Me still crying, I got up and went to my bedroom. I didn't feel like doing anything before I climbed into my bed and my eyesight starting to fade into darkness. I feel like I forgot something...

This is the first chapter of my fanfiction. What did you guys think? It's been a very long time since the last time I even touched the writing button on this app. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the GIF. Have a great day!

《El Goblino》xQcWhere stories live. Discover now