Chapter 14

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     Aiden walked me to the office so I could get my locker information and schedule. The whole time we were walking people kept looking at us. Some were nice enough as to look away but other kept staring. I look up to Aiden only to see him walking without a care.
"Are they always like this?" I ask. He looks down at me with a smile.
"It's only because you're new and with me. It'll settle down in a few days." He assured me with a kiss on the forehead. He walks me for eh ground office and stands there, making small talk with one of the front desk ladies, while I talk to another getting my schedule and other useful information.
"Ok darling, here is all of your stuff, and if you need any help with anyone, just come right back here and we'll help you out." The nice woman says. I smile and say a quick thank you and Aiden and I walk out of the office. He walks me to my locker which is conveniently across the hall from his and i open it and begin to put my stuff in it.
"Let me see your schedule." Aiden says and I hand him the small paper.
"We only have Math, History, and PE together. And you can't even do PE so I'll be all alone." He says with a pout. I turn to him and give him a teasing smile.
"How will you ever survive?" I exaggerate laughing lightly.
"Hey don't mock me now!" He exclaims.
"Besides, I'll be able to do PE. I went to the doctor last week and she said that I'm in a safe weight range, and I'll be allowed to go back to ballet and working out this week. Of course making sure that I eat enough." I say. Aiden's face light up immediately. He cups my face and gives me a short bit sweet kiss.
"Really? That's amazing! I'm so proud of you!" He says happily. The bell rings and I look to my schedule to see that after homeroom I have English, so I grab my English book. I close my locker and Aiden walks me to homeroom. I give him a short kiss outside the door and he tells me to wait for him after class so he can walk me to my next one. All of Aiden's classes were very close to mine, so it worked out perfectly. I head inside and quickly find a seat in the back, trying not to be noticed too much. I get out my phone to distract myself until class starts.
     "Hey I'm Holly." I hear a voice and look up to see a girl putting her stuff on the desk beside mine. She had blonde hair that reached just passed her shoulders and green eyes.
     "Hey i'm Bobbie." I replied with a smile.
     "I like your name. It's really pretty." She says
     "Really? It's boyish to me."
     "Really" She says with a smile. Soon the teacher walked in and we began the lesson.

     5 minutes before the class ended, the teacher let us talk amongst ourselves. Holly and I compared out schedules and learned that we have the same exact schedule.
     "Hey do you want to eat lunch with me and my boyfriend? My brothers will be there too." I ask her.
     "Sure!" Holly says happily. After the bell rings, Holly waits with me for Aiden and we all walk off to Holly's and my next class. They day goes by quick and soon enough it's lunch.
     "So what do you like to do for fun?" Holly asks me and we're sitting down at the table.
     "I dance." I say
     "That's cool. What kind... I don't know if what I'm asking makes sense. I don't really know much about dance." She says with a small laugh.
     "Ballet" I laugh along with her. "What about you? What do you like to do?" I ask Holly taking a bite if my salad. As Holly is about to answer, my brothers and Aiden come to sit with us, filling up the table. I'm surprised we all fit.
"How's my favorite sisters day going?" Damon asks.
"I'm your only sister. And good. I made a friend." I say gesturing to Holly. At that everyone turns to Holly and she give a shy smile, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
"So you were saying?" I ask Holly, referring to what we were talking about earlier.
"Oh! Well sports take up a lot of my time." She says.
"Really? What sports do you play?" Cameron asks, beating me to the question.
     "I play hockey and softball. Both ok travel teams. It all that I can play because the seasons would over lap each other. Hockey season over laps into softball by a few weeks but i make it work. But i used to play volleyball and basketball too but they weren't really my forte." She says taking a bite out of her salad. She does have a very athletic build.
"That's cool! So you have hockey in a few months don't you? are you planning on trying out for the school team? " I ask
"Yea tryouts are next week." She answers.
"But the school only has a boys team." Kyle says. The trips have always played Hockey and they were the team captains even though there were 3 of them. (ok i know that i didn't make the trips play hockey but imma change that for reasons that you will find out later) Holly looked at Kyle then Cole and Cameron who added a "yea" at the end of his statement.
"Should I not?" She asks.
"Well we play all boys teams. They are way tougher, start fights, faster, it's just different than girls hockey." Cole says.
"Well have you ever seen me play a game? I don't start the fights but i sure as hell finish them. And I'm really quick. You'll see what I can do at tryouts. Bobby are you gonna come to tryouts next week?" Holly asks me. I look around at the trips to see their shocked expressions. I look back at Holly and see she has a smirk on her face.
"Of course I'll be there!" I tell her. She smiles widely at me and continues to eat her lunch.
"Hey do you wanna come over and swim later?" I ask her. All my brothers look over at me.
"I'd have to ask my dad but I'd love too!" She says looking up from her tray of food.
"Is that ok with you guys?" I ask glances my around at my brothers.
"Yea that should be fine. Give Jackson a text letting him know though." Damon says.

Lunch ends and Holly, Aiden and I walk off to our next class together. Aiden dropped me and Holly off at our 5 and went off to his own.
"How many brothers do you have?" Holly asks me.
"Uh 7 why?" I ask
     "I don't know. No offense but that's a lot. I mean I have 2 and I can't walk out of the house with at least a few bruises." Holly tells me.
     "I Have no Idea. But don't think they don't wrestle me either." I say laughing, Holly joining in. We talked for the rest of the period, getting yelled at my the teacher here and there. We finally went to PE and changed into the skimpy clothes they call a uniform. We went out to the field and met up with Aiden. Coach announced that we were going to run track.
     "Hey little sis" I hear 3 voices behind me. Of course the trips would all be in the same PE class. I turn around and smile at them. After we all decide that we're gonna run together and talk for a little bit, coach blows his whistle and we all take off. We all get to the front and I realize that Holly is trying to outrun my brothers. I know that she never said it, but my brothers really struck a nerve with her about hockey and she was gonna do anything to prove to them that she was just as strong. If anything, stronger. Let me just say, she was fast. When she finally was able to stay ahead of them for a while she slowed down to run with me.
     "Hey my dad said I could come over to swim." Holly announced.
     "Great! You can ride home with us." After PE, we change back into our regular clothes we head out to my brothers cars and sort out who's riding with who. After that's all figured out we hope in and drive back home. Holly and I both sang at the top of our lungs and laughed the whole car ride home, purposely pissing off my brothers. Holly and I were already bestfriends, and I knew that we were only going to get closer.

Hey guyssssss! Holy cow! 13k??? You guys are amazing! I never expected to get that many reads on this book! Holy smokes man! thank you all so much. I was thinking of writing in some of the other characters POV as well. what do you think? and what do you think of Holly? Please comment and let me know bc as i said in the last authors note that it won't let me answer your guys person messages to me. anyways thank you all so so so much for your reads and i hope you're enjoying the book. i love y'all💗💗💗

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