9 | sleepyhead

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"Kiyoooo!" (Y/N) shouted down the corridors. Everyone moved to the side and out of her way as she ran toward Sakusa.

"Did you really have to shout?" Sakusa closed his locker and turned to face the now beaming (Y/N).

"I had to, or you would've left."

It had only been one week after their grand win at the Kantou Tournament, but everything had already gone back to business as usual.

"You're giving me that smile again, what is it this time?" Sakusa had learned a thing or two about (Y/N) ever since she came back. Whenever she would give him a toothy grin, it meant that she needed something from him.

"Are you busy after school?"


There wasn't practice that after school that day. The coach told them to "get some rest" since they've been working really hard each day to prepare for the upcoming Interhigh Prelims.

"Great! I got an upcoming test for Japanese Literature, but I'm still not familiar with the 

material." She took a wrinkled notebook out of her bag.

"Could you help me study? Please?"


"We can study at my place if you want, my mom's not going to be home until really late at night so we'll have the whole house to ourselves!"

"Okay." It was just going to be the two of them together? They used to do that all the time when they were younger.

"Then, I'll see you after school!" (Y/N) turned on her heels and cheerfully skipped down the halls. Sakusa stood lost in thought for a moment before turning away to head to his next class.

The sky, a beautiful canvas graced with sky blues and pure milky whites. The blue in the depths beyond and the smooth, rounded, sugary sweet clouds in the foreground. Students cleared out the school building as the school day ended.

Sakusa waited for (Y/N) at the gates of the school, away from the mob of people that were exiting. He tapped his foot impatiently. It was already fifteen minutes past the usual time when school finished. Where could she possibly be?

Just as he was about to go searching for her, he heard a quiet pant growing louder every second. Sakusa turned around to see an out of breath (Y/N) holding onto a crumpled piece of paper.

"Sorry... I had... To... Hand something... In." (Y/N) gasped for air. She had just run down from the third floor to the school gates as fast as she could.

Why do her social studies class have to be on the third floor?

"Take your time to catch your breath. It's not like we're in a rush or anything," Sakusa plainly says, and hands her a water bottle.

"Thanks," she guzzled down the water before handing it back to Sakusa. "Oh wait, let me clean this for you before giving it back."

After (Y/N) fixed herself up, they began to make their way towards her house.

Her keys jangled as she turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. Sakusa could smell the scent of fresh pastries escaping through the door as they walked in.

"My mom must've made some pastries before she went out. You can take one if you'd like." (Y/N) slipped off her shoes before running into the kitchen.

"It's fine. I'm not hungry. We're here to study after all," Sakusa took off his shoes before looking around. The place was quite messy and slightly made him feel queasy. Imagine the number of germs lying around the house.

(Y/N) came back with a piece of bread in her mouth and a washed water bottle before motioning for Sakusa to follow her upstairs.

The room they entered contained a small bed, neatly made, and a small desk. There was not much clutter on the floor, but when Sakusa looked to the right, he could see a pile of stuff tucked away in the corner. The room had an abundant amount of natural light. It didn't need any external light source to brighten the area.

"Ah, sorry for the mess," she picked up the stack of books off her desk and plopped them onto her bed. "You can work on the desk here."

"How about you?"

"I prefer to sit on the floor."

A few minutes passed, and (Y/N) was already stuck on a part of her homework. "Hey, Kiyo, what does this mean?"


She read the poem aloud and wrinkled her nose. Her Japanese wasn't the greatest when it comes to poems and tongue-twisters. Sakusa took the page and looked at it for a few seconds before handing it back to her.

"It's a haiku by Matsuo Basho. The first verse is 'the old pond,' and the second means 'a frog leaps in.' The third verse is the 'sound of water.' Does that make sense?"

"Ah, I get it now." She scribbled some notes down on her paper. "Thanks, Kiyo!"

Sakusa was working on his math homework. He breezed through each problem and began his English homework. Half-way through, he decided to check on (Y/N) only to find the girl dozing off.

"You really can sleep anywhere."

He walked over to where she was and looked at her open notebook. Her homework was only half done, and she had already fallen asleep. Sakusa lightly sighed and grabbed the covers off her bed. He gently draped it on top of (Y/N) sleeping figure before looking out the window.

The last of the sun's rays cosseted behind soft grey clouds as darkness overtook the sky. He grabbed his backpack and headed out of the room. As he was going down the stairs, (Y/N)'s mother walked through the front door.

"Kiyoomi-kun! Leaving already?"

"Yes, it's turning dark now, so I need to head home. (Y/N) is asleep upstairs," he swiftly tells (Y/N)'s mother.

"That girl's always sleeping, what am I going to do with her."

Sakusa bowed his head before excusing himself. He slipped on his shoes and walked out into the crisp air. He let the wind blow through his air as he walked down the deserted road. The street lights flashed on as the sky got darker.

Images of (Y/N) sleeping flashed through his mind. How can one look so cute while sleeping? Her soft snores were like tickles to his ears. It wasn't loud but audible. Her features were much more tender in sleep as serenity was plastered across her face.

Why is the image stuck in his head?

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

the poem/haiku i used in this chapter is "The Old Pond" by Matsuo Basho 

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