21 | destiny and fate

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These volleyball matches were equal parts of pure excitement and pure fear. But we prepared, we trained hard, and that's what tipped the balance in our favour, and our sense of adventure wins out.

With the cheers come fists in the air, and eyes flung wide. We were electrified, awake, soaring to new heights of emotion.

(Y/N) looked the pass around her neck, she had to be careful with it. Without the pass, she wouldn't be able to enter the arena. That would be bad. Her focus was scattered, so filled with nervous anticipation.

"Are you okay?" Sakusa stepped beside her and scanned the crowd, mainly keeping his eyes on the matches currently happening. Their match was going to begin shortly as the matches before were starting to wrap up.

(Y/N)'s giggle softened the room, "yeah, just pregame nervousness. That's all."

"You don't need to be nervous."

She tilted her head at Sakusa and gave him a soft smile. "Is that so?"

As Sakusa opened his mouth to say something, Yoneda cuts in to inform them that the game before theirs has ended, and they were allowed to start warm-ups.

"The game before ours is ending soon! We can start warming up!"

Sakusa went ahead of (Y/N) since she wanted to go to the washroom first.

"Be back soon," Sakusa told her as he walked past her.

The cold water moved softly around her outstretched fingers, caressing cooly, eddying in their wake. She pulled her hand out and watched the drips, both transparent and opaque at the same time. She quickly took out her (F/C) handkerchief and wiped off the excess water. (Y/N) was more than ready to face whatever may come.

• • •

Itachiyama's first opponent was Byouoka Chuuou High School from the Tottori prefecture.

(Y/N) had done some research on them the day before, and what she found out was surprising. Known for their lax playstyle, almost like Johzenji but x5 better. Most of their players on the team were shorter than average but can jump extremely high, making them a very formidable opponent. Despite that, they slack off most of the time and fool around instead.

Camera crews were set up around the court, focusing intently on the match between Itachiyama and Byouoka Chuuou. Iizuna was busy being interviewed by a local news reporter while the rest of the team was engaged in their warm-up.

Sakusa grimaced at the bunch. It was those who were careless that he disdained. They were reckless enough to let their serves be served into the net and make a fool out of themselves.

Matsushima, however, became best buds with the captain of Byouoka Chuuou High. Actually, it was no surprise. Both were carefree and goofed around a lot. No wonder they bonded so well.

Their first against them was pretty easy for the boys of Itachiyama. After practicing many times against Johzenji, they were used to the unpredictableness of Byouoka Chuuou.

All they needed to do was counter as much as they can even without knowing the opponent's next move.

The first set went to Itachiyama with a score of 25 to 16. The second set, Byouoka Chuuou smartened up and started making their serves over.

They were able to use their jumping skills to score some points off of Itachiyama by spiking the ball over the block. At last, Itachiyama still had better defence and offence than Byouoka Chuuou and ultimately won, 25 to 18.

"So, does that mean we qualify for the final rounds?" (Y/N) asked as she grabbed her stuff and walked off the court with Sakusa and Komori. Their first and only match of the day was a success, and they were able to qualify for round 2.

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