Chapter 1:The Murderer

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Hello, I am the narrator of this story. I don't want you to be confused so soon into the story. Anyway, this story is about a very sick person, he's no longer here he killed himself. This mans name is Tony Hilgort and he is a serial killer. How does he commit his murders? Well, he takes chemicals such as Bleach, Pine Sol, Windex, 409, Detergent, Fabric Softener and he puts the chemials in a needle, and puts it straight into their vain. He would put the needle in the victim's arm, I would say maybe... 5 times a day. His targets were mainly women that looked like his wife. After the death of the woman he would, and this next part may be a little startling, he would cut up their body up and put the pieces in a blender. After, he went and poured their pieces in a river near his house, the rest of the things, such as their bones, he put in a well also near his house. Are you starting to picture where he lives? Dont worry if you're wrong, it's a cabin. Where do you think a good place to start is? How about... the beginning.

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