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You just moved to Sheffield not long ago and you kind of felt alone, so you were looking forward to adopting a cat so bad.

Your idea of having a pet was all of a sudden, so you just got into your car and drove to the animal shelter to find your new friend.

You came back with a beautiful orange cat, and the first thing you did was calling your best friend, Alex.

"Hey Alex, guess what?" -you said with excitement in your voice.

"Uhh, what is it?" -He asked, and you could feel his smile through the phone.

"Come over if you can, I really want to show you something." -you chuckled.

"Sure, i'll be there in 10 minutes." -He said right before hanging up.

He was in your flat in ten minutes just as he said. He knocked on the door and you let him come in.

"Soooo what did you want to show me?" -he asked looking over the room.

"Remember when I told you I felt a bit alone in here?" -he noded. - "Well I couldn't help myself and I ju-"

Right before you could say anything else, your new friend was on Alex's leg, he jumped and screamed a bit.

"DAMN, CLAWS CLAWS CLAWS CLAWS" -he kept talking loudly while trying to take the cat off his leg. You couldn't stop laughing. -"for God's Sake y/n it fucking hurts, stop laughing... are these claws or knives????"

You approached him and took your cat in your arms, still laughing. -"Oh my god, Alex just has been attacked by a little lion."

"Ha-ha you're so funny." -He said, his voice filled with sarcasm. "So that's what you wanted to show me? an assassin cat?"

You noded and laughed again. -"Yeah, but don't call him like that."

"Oh well, and how should I call him?" -he asked.
"I didn't think about a name yet. Want to help me? and you can stay for supper, it's "on the house" for what happened." -you smiled.

"Yeah, sure." -he laughed.

You let the cat on the floor as Alex sat on the sofa. You went upstairs to change your clothes. You heard Alex screaming again.


"Are you seriously that scared of my cat?" -You laughed and came back to the room. You saw Alex on the sofa, hugging his knees. You kept laughing and he looked at you narrowing his eyes.

"He. Fucking. Climbed. My. Leg. With. His. Long. Claws. I'm not letting that happen again."

You laughed one more time. "Well you better be friends with him soon, he's going to be here for a looooong time." You said and went for drinks. It was going to be a funny night.


So here goes the very first story, there will be new ones soon.
Let me know if you like it.

Alex Turner • ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now