𝙰𝚗𝚡𝚒𝚎𝚝𝚢 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚔.

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Warning: contains anxiety attack.


It was Friday night and you were about to go out with Alex. You both planned to go for a walk now that it isn't too hot outside. When you were ready, he opened the door for you and left. You were waiting for the elevator, and when it was on the fifth floor, you both entered it. You never liked elevators at all. Every time you were going out alone, you used the stairs instead; but when you were with Alex, you always used it because you felt safe with him. Whenever you were in one with him, you instantly grabbed his hand when the door closed.

After almost three years living together and using it, you luckily never got stuck in one. Until tonight.

The elevator stopped sharply, making a loud noise. You screamed and leaned into Alex. He knew how much you hated elevators and how scared you were about getting stuck in one, he tensed up a bit. -"No, no, please, no, no, no." -You kept repeating over and over again.

You just discovered something tonight: you had claustrophobia.

You looked around and felt as if the elevator was becoming smaller every second. Alex grabbed your arms softly and leaned you against the elevator's wall so in case you fainted, you wouldn't fall and hurt yourself. You were tearing up.

"You are going to be ok, alright?" -He said in a relaxed voice.

"Alex, please get me out of here now." -You pleaded. Tears streaming down your cheeks. Alex knew that no words would help now, and saying "calm down" to someone who is having an anxiety attack is useless.

You were shaking, hugging him tightly as he looked at his phone; checking if, hopefully, he had any signal. It seemed like he had a bit, so he tried to call... but it didn't work.

"Shit." -He said almost inaudible.

"Please keep trying, Alex." -You never felt like this before. You could feel your heart pounding as it was about to come out of your chest, and your breathing was very fast.

Alex noticed how bad you were feeling, and he knew it was more important to try to calm you down first that making that call. He didn't really know how to act, but he knew he had to do something.

He took off your jacket and threw it on the floor, and he put your hair behind your ears.

Then, he grabbed your right hand and placed it on his chest, and he placed one of his hands on your chest. You both could feel the difference between each other's heart palpitations.

"Y/n, listen to me, ok?" -You looked at him, even though you couldn't see him properly due to the tears. -"You're going to breathe with me."

You nodded and he talked again. -"Inhale." -He calmly breathed in and you imitated him with shortness of breath. -"Now exhale." -He breathed out and you imitated him again, closing your eyes, focusing as much as you could in your breathing. You both repeated the same thing again.

"That's my girl, let's do it once more." -Alex could feel through the palm of his hand that your heartbeat slowed down a bit. He smiled. -"You're doing great, baby."

You placed your hand over his and closed your eyes, leaning your head on the wall. -"I'm going to try to call again, repeat what we just did in case you need it, alright?"

"Ok." -You said and, unlike Alex's voice that was as relaxed as ever, yours sounded kind of raspy, maybe because of crying. You heard the sound of Alex's phone dialing some number.

"Hello?" -You heard Alex say. -"Yeh, I don't have much time because of the signal, we are stuck in an elevator and we need urgent help, please."

You sighed in relief when you heard those words. You couldn't believe he finally talked with someone who could help you both to get off the elevator. While he was giving the person all the information they needed, you were doing the exercise you just did with Alex.

You could feel him caressing your hand. -"They're already on their way, darling. We'll be out pretty soon." -He said after hanging up and then kissed your forehead.

"I've never felt this sick before." -You sat down on the floor, trying not to move too much, scared of this elevator falling with you both inside. You covered your face with your hands.

Alex sat down in front of you carefully. He could feel you still felt pretty bad and knew you so perfectly that he knew what was going on in your mind. He needed to change your thoughts. -"Hey, let's play a game."

"A game?" -You asked him. He noded. -"What game?"

"Mhmm... tell me three animals that start with the letter D." -He raised his eyebrows.

"Dog, dolphin..." -You thought about a third one, you frowned not getting to remember another one. You heard Alex imitating one animal. You smiled. -"Duck."

"Perfect." -He clapped. -"Now tell me, what's your favourite thing that you're wearing right now."

You looked at yourself and had it very clear. Your hand went to your neck. -"The necklace you got me on our first date." -Alex smiled big.

"Third one... how would you describe yourself with three words?" -He asked.

"Shy, kind-hearted, honest."

"Name everything you see right now."  -You looked around.

"Alex, lights, mirror, buttons, walls, floor, myself." -You numbered them with your fingers. He was getting what he wanted: keeping your mind busy in something else and not the fact that you were stuck. You both kept playing for a while.

"Great! The last one... Tell me four s-" -He was interrupted by a voice you didn't know.

"Alex?" -It was a man. -"We are here to repair the elevator. You'll be out in a few minutes." -He said from the other side.

"Perfect, thank you so much." -Alex got up slowly, grabbed your jacket which was still on the floor, and then extended his hand to help you get up. -"You did awesome, baby." -He kissed your temple and you smiled, hugging him. You loved him so much.

The elevator started moving again and the door flew open in a couple of minutes, and you stepped out as soon as possible. You breathed in and out. -"Oh my God, I can't believe we're out." -Your eyes were watery because of all the emotions.

"Believe it 'cause we are, darlin'." -He grabbed your hand and turned to the engineers. -"Thank you so much for your help."

"You're welcome. That's what we are here for." -They said as they kept fixing the elevator.

"You still wanna go out?" -Alex looked at you. -"We can go back home if you want to."

"No, no." -You shook your head. -"I need fresh air, please."

"That's it, then." -He kissed you and you both made your way downstairs.

"Thank you so much for helping me the way you did." -You looked at him as you walked out of the building. -"If it wasn't for you I guess I would have... fainted or something."

"No need to thank me, y/n. I wanted you to be ok, and you've been so brave." -He put his arm around your shoulders and your arm was hugging him around his waist. -"I'm proud of you, I'll never get tired of saying it."

And you would never get tired of him. He was the best thing you ever had.


One more chapter over here! I got a message saying if I could write about this, and here it is. 

I remind you that if you want me to write about something, you can text me.

I hope you liked it, don't forget to vote/comment! <3

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