Chapter 3

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"Hello you must be Heaven, and Mrs. McGovery, My name is Dr. David" a man greeted us. He looked like he was in his early 30's, he had black hair and a jewish pin next to his name tag. He seemed like a nice person I guess.

" So what brings you here?" I hear him ask me. Is he serious? What does he mean by 'what brings me here' the hell am i suppose to say ' Oh you know my father lied to me and my family, the one person i trusted left us, oh and I told my doctor i harmed myself, not to mention that the doctor probably thought i was crazy, so she send me here to a mental health care center, And so here i am.' I was about to say that but instead i just answered with a simple " I dont know."

"Ok. Heaven I'm going to be asking you some questions, and I want you to answer me honestly." He told me with a serious face.

"Okayy" I said, hopefully he doesnt ask me if i ever had sex or got pregnant or if i do drugs because  my mom is sitting right next to me, and I find it awkward talking about that crap infront of my mother.

"Ok, so Heaven have you ever done drugs..." and here we go with the question, screw my life. "....smoked or drank any type of beverage that had alcohol?" Is he serious? 

"No" i answered

" Have you ever been married?" you have got to be kidding me. Who gets married at the age of 13? What type of questions are these?

" I know I'm sorry but I have to ask you these questions even if it's uncomfortable." He said. Oops did i say that out loud?

"Have you ever had any thoughts of suicide?"

" Um No i have never thought of comitting suicide but i have had thoughts about leaving my house and never coming back" i replied honestly

" Why have you thought about running away?"

" To escape my problems... run away from them,  I guess i felt that if I ran away then everyone would be happy?" I looked down, knowing that my mom had a sad face on, i didnt want to see her cry.

" You believed that running away would make everyone happy? Why?" he said looking at me

" Well when i see my mother and her boyfriend they are always laughing and smiling, When i see them it's obvious my mom likes him alot. Even my brothers love him, I see him and my brother's play together and laugh and sometime's i wonder... maybe my mothers boyfriend isn't the problem maybe I am... My mom seems to be happy when she's around him and i want to see my mom happy...but..." i try to find the right words to say but i get cut off

"...not with want to see your mom happy with  your dad." he finishes my sentence.

" Yeah, but i know thats never going to happen, that's why i feel that if i run away then my mom could be with her boyfriend without her hearing me complain every single day about her boyfriend." I look at her and i could see her hazel eyes get glossy, and that's when I knew she was going to cry.

" Can you tell me a little bit about your mom's boyfriend?" he asked me

"  His name is Sam, He's nice to my mom, to my brothers,he's nice to me but i always give an attitude and i always end up pushing him away because i dont want to get to know him, or give him a chance, I dont want him to think that i will ever call him my 'father' or 'stepfather' because that will never happen" I tell him with a serious face, showing no emotion.

" And your father?" I looked down.

"  He was the total opposite of Sam. My father was very fun to be around with, he would play pranks on me and we will have prank battles with my brothers (I smile), he taught me how to cook even if i was horrible at it, he would paint my nails and sing to me and he would tell me the most awesomest stories ever, he would take me to the park, he always found a way to make me laugh. He had alot of tattoos and piercings. He wasnt scared of anything, If someone said something he didnt like he would fight them, some of my friends were scared of him. He was very tall, He would go to the gym alot, and he had the biggest attitude ever.... (i paused and laughed )... just like me"  i looked up and smiled.

"He sounds like a great dad" he smiled back

" He was, he acted like a teenager, and being with him was like being with my friends. He had a awesome sense of humor. The thing that i always found cool about him were his tattoos, he had so many, i wanted to ask him what each tattoo ment but there was a specific tattoo that i have always wanted to ask him about...they were his two tear tattoos he had on his face below his eye... I never got to know the story behind this tattoo, every time i would ask him he would ignore the question .... and now i know why he did."

Dr. David didnt say anything he just gave me a look filled with curiosity.


Hey waddup kellster here.

3rd Chapter is up :D

Heaven talks about her father and her mom's boyfriend in this chapter, and in the next chapter it will be mainly about her father

What do you think the tear tattoos mean?

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