IX: Banyan

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noun. a day or less of rest and relaxation.


Unlike many of her coworkers, Lee didn't particularly mind having the opening shift on the beach. There was something nice about the sunrise over the water, the sound of bird songs, the smell of saltwater. She enjoyed waving to the residents that were brave enough to go on early-morning runs and she always chatted with the fishermen headed onto the water for work. Although she wasn't an early-riser herself, something that her father had passed down to her, she could still appreciate the subtle beauty of the morning. Despite this, though, Lee would often find herself tired by noon when her shift was coming to an end. So, longing for a cup of coffee and a nap, Lee greeted the person taking over her stand.

"Hey, Cole," she said, yawning as she climbed down the ladder.

Cole nodded to Lee, smiling brilliantly. Girls from the Cut and Figure Eight alike fell head over heels for Cole Burnett's straight white teeth and windblown brown hair, and Lee couldn't blame them. In fact, she and Cole had dated for several months during her freshman year of high school. It had ended somewhat roughly, largely because Cole didn't like Lee and JJ's blossoming friendship. Something about thinking that Lee and JJ secretly liked each other.

"'Sup, Lee? Anything exciting happen this morning?" Luckily, Lee and Cole had since patched things up. Working together, they kind of needed to. Plus, Cole now had a new girlfriend—Macy, another lifeguard at the beach.

"Uh, Benson was out here with some new girl earlier," Lee said, shrugging. She threw her backpack over her shoulder and shielded her eyes to look up at Cole.

Levi Benson was one of the most eligible bachelors in the Cut and the lifeguards at Masonboro Beach had a running tally of how many different girls they would see him with before the month was up. So far, it was a pretty impressive 14.

"How many is that now?" Cole joked, climbing into the lifeguard chair. "He was up to thirteen last time I saw!"

Lee grinned, chuckling. "Something like that. I'll see ya later, Cole!" she called, beginning to walk up the beach towards the changing rooms.

"See ya, Lee!"

Just as Lee reached the platform housing the changing rooms, she was ambushed.

"Hey, Lee!" someone called from behind her.

Lee turned in surprise, grinning when she recognized another of her coworkers—Cole's girlfriend. "Macy! What's up?"

Macy smiled, coming to stand in front of Lee. "So," she began, tucking a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear, "the water's really nice today and I was gonna go surfing, but, uh, my mom won't let me go alone. Would you maybe wanna join me?"

Lee grimaced. She and her mom were planning to go to Virginia Beach that day to find a dress for Lee to wear to Midsummers. "Sorry, Macy," she said apologetically, but found herself cut off as another person called her name.

"Lee!" Kiara called, walking up to Lee and Macy.

Surprised, Lee turned to face her friend. "What's up, Kiara? I thought you were helping out your dad at the restaurant today?"

Macy and Kiara exchanged small smiles in greeting.

"Well, I was, but then John B said that he and the guys are going to the resort JJ works at to look at, uh..." Kiara explained, trailing off with a nervous glance at Macy, "to look at that boat JJ was telling us about."

Lee nodded in understanding but bit her lip. "Sorry, Kie, but I'm, um, doing something with my mom. Thanks for telling me, though. Maybe I'll see you guys tonight?" Lee suggested, smiling hopefully at Kiara.

The Deep End » Outer Banks [JJ Maybank] BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now