village and a witch?

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         By the time the ninjas arrived   at the camp the ground was covered with  blood and  the one doing the slaughtering  was  a blond. 

' not even taller then me ' and dark haired nin thought to himself  as the the blond was finishing  the last few bandits mercilessly,

as the second to last body hit the ground the blond turned to the last bandit, this bandit had a  tear streaked  face and refused to engage in any sort of fighting  

the blond motioned  for him to stay still before walking back the woman left in the tent  and pestered for her to leave and the woman ran straight into the ninjas 
Finally  facing the ninjas the blond turned  towards the forest and began to leave

The elder nin appeared  in  front of the blond and stoped him "where are you going?" The blond pointed to the forest, sighing th younger nin asked "why aren't you going to the village?"
To this the blond game the ninjas a knowing look,

"come with us they need to know  the one that saved there females. By the way I'm kakashi and this is sasuke,we are the ninjas ther were assigned the mission of rescuing these villagers" kakashi says the first part in a indisputable way.

Sighing the blond jesters for them to lead the way, knowing the outjcome already.

The walk was quiet  and not very long since they all walked at a fairly fast pace.

but  no sooner  did the blond step within the village.   The blond dodged a rock aimed for the  head  dodging the first  but not the second, or the third.

  "Witch. You did this  you've cursed us to misfortune yet again! ".
One of the male villages Shouted 
"Get out witch, haven't you caused enough problems,  leave!." The blond nodded  and turned to leave  before sasuke shouts at the villages.

"what is you problem " but he turns around to find  the blond  is no long around.

The villages then seem to have no issues  with the nins and offer to still pay them even if they did save the females. 

which the two refused, even after the village leader  explained  about the witch in the forest.  The ninjas only stayed for a meal  before setting off back to their village.

The story of how the blond became  the  witch in the eyes of the villagers

Ha ha  you'll have to wait for the next chapter 

Sorry it's short today but I think the story of how the blond became a witch in their  eyes deserve  it's own chapter

But any way  thank you for reading


I love my lovely  kits  ya know

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