You Need to Find Yourself

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"You need to find yourself"

It's all anyone talks about these days

On Instagram

On Twitter

On Snapchat

On Facebook

In face-to-face conversations

But I haven't lost myself

I know where I am

I know who I am

I'm not lost

-You- just haven't found me

You're looking for me on social media

You're looking for me in anxiety and depression

You're looking for me in my sorrows

You're looking for me in my losses

You're looking for me in my pain

But you didn't look for me in the flowers

You didn't look for me daydreaming

You didn't look for me on the stage

You didn't look for me in gardening barefoot

You didn't look for me in spending time with loved ones

You most certainly didn't look for me in a used bookshop

But that's where I am

You thought I was lost

So you tried to find me

But in trying to fix something that wasn't broken

You've only made me more lost than I ever was

You tried to make me be the kind of person that I'm not

You tried to help me, but you made it worse

You tried to rescue me, but you drowned me

You tried to guide me, but you turned me around

You tried to help me up, but you only pushed me down

I don't need to find myself

I am found

You need to stop looking for what's right in front of your eyes

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