Adoption Day!!

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Hello everyone! Again this is my first story so tell me what you think of it and hope you enjoy it. Comment, vote, favorite and tell me what you guys want and i will do my best to add it.:)

Tyler's POV

   It's raining, great. Rain makes everything so gloomy especially ob days like this. Today is adoption day, yayy i guess. I never get pick, im use to it. Most people think i will be too much to handle but whatever. Im in my room sitting by the window watching the rain pour down. I loook up to the sky and see a a white puffy cloud . I knew it was my family looking down at me. But all i could think about on how it was my fault.
The sun os shining high, no cloud in the sky
We are all listening to music when all the sudden my sister Lexi hit me, so i hit her. We kept going back and forth, back and forth until both mom and dad turned around and told us both to stop. By time dad turned around a big truck was heading straight for us and in a blink of a eye, we crashed. Lexi and mom flew out the window, dad out the windshield, and me i didnt go no where. I hit my head pretty hard on the window but thats it, everyone else died like that.
End of Flashback

I remember that day like itvwas yesterday even i was 10 when it happened, 5 years ago, wow! I grabbed my guitar and started playing.

(Video should be on side)

(Hurt by Christina Aguilera)
Since like it was yesterday when i saw your face
You told me how proud you was but i was but i walked away
If only i knew what i know today,ooh ooh
I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing i wouldn't do to hear your voice again
Sometimes i want to call you but i know you wont be there
Oh, im sorry for blaming you
For everything i just couldn't do
And i've hurt myself by hurting you
Somedays i feel broke inside but i wont admit
Sometimes i wanna hide inside 'cuase its you i miss
And it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this, ooh
Would you tell me i was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who i am?
There's nothing i wouldn't do to have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back
Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything i just couldn't do
And i've hurt myself by hurting you
If i just had one more day
I would tell you how much that i've missed yosince you been away
Oh, it dangerous
It's so out of line
To try and turn back time
I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything i just couldn't do
And i've hurt myself
By hurting you

I sung as tears flowed free from my eyes.

Justin's POV

So i decided i want to adopt a child. Not only will it help me with publicity but i will learn more responsibility. I pulled up to Sunshine Orphanage even though it doesn't look like sunshine. Everything is tearong apart. Wow! I knocked on yhe door and was approached by a older women. " Hi, are you the care taker" i asked. "Yes sir, i am" she said with a little attitude. Well im here to adopt. I want a girl 14-16." I said. "Ok, come in and i will get them" she said opening the door wide enough for me to come in. While waiting, i heard someone singing. I followed the voice to a very old door, i think. I quietly opened the door to find a girl singing a unfamiliar song. Whatever it is, its amazing. When she finish, i noticed that she was crying. I didn't knowbher background and i didnt want ot scare her so i started clapping. She quickly turned around and fell. "Oh god, are you ok" i asked helping her up. "Ummm yeah, im fine thank you" she said. "Ok, well im Justin and im hoping i could ask you some questions" i asked her sitting down in a chair. "Yea, sure why not" she said looking at me straight invthe eyes. She has beautiful eyes! "So what is your name, how old are you, and what fo you like to do for fun?", u asked. "Ok, my name Tyler Jones, i am 15 years old, and i like to sing, dance, act.", she said.

Tyler's POV

This boy look very familiar but I cant put my finger on it. He seems very nice but I kniw he won't pick me. We had started to get to know eachother when Dr.Pepper came in and said the other girls was ready. "Ok, ummm Tyler, I will see you later." He said walking out. All i did was smile and said"yeah".  As soon as he was completely out Dr.Pepper came and slapped me. "Ha, you really think he will pick you. Thats is only in your dreams sweet cheeks. You'll be here for the rest of your life."she said walking out. I tried not to think about it but i knew what she says is true, very true.

Justin's POV

I have just finish interviewing all the girls and i wasn't impressed at all. Either they would fangirl all over me or they would keep screaming every time i said something. But i know who in choosing! "Have you chose someone yet?" The caretaker asked. "Yes, i would like to adopt Tyler Jones please." I said to her. " Are you sure i mean there is other girls here much, much better?" She said with a smile. "Yes, i an sure, i want to adopt her." I said getting annoyed. "Ok, ok, i'll go get the papers." she said walking  away. I walked up to Tyler's room and saw her just looking out the window. "Hey Tyler, get packed, im adopting you." Her eyes lit up like a star on top of a tree at Christmas. The caretaker brought me the papers and i signed each one and soon we was on our way to our home!

~At home~
Tyler's POV

   "Welcome home!" Justin said while he opened the door. My mouth dropped. I never seen something look so amazing."  Cone on, ill show your room" he said leading me up the stairs. We stopped at a purple and red door that had my name on it. I opened it slowly and can i yell you it was well words cant even explain how amazing it looked."You like it" he asked. "No" i said. A splash of disappointment went upon his face. "I love it" i said hugging him. He sighed in releaf. I explored my find a huge bathroom a walk in closet that could be used as a bedroom and it already had clothes and shoes in there all my size. Huh, i wonder how he know.

It was still raining so we couldn't do much so we watched movies and ate popcorn for the remaining of the day. After about 4 movies Justin fell alseep. I quickly grabbed my phone and took picture. Im gonna make something for him. I got a blanket and put over both of us and quickly fell asleep. "Sweet dreams Justin" . I said before closing my eyes."I love you!"

Well there you go. I hope you like it. Please comment, vote, favorite. And love you!! :)

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