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So I realize I haven't posted anything in 2 months...but don't worry I'm still going to continue the book I just haven't found the motivation for it yet. Any I just wanted to let you all know that I am in fact still alive and haven't gotten sick and that I'm currently bored out of my mind from quarantine(or house arrest as me and my friends like to call it).

By the way if you have any ideas as for what I can do next chapter when Bendy finds Cuphead like if Bendy will walk in on the Cupbros having a fight like the Inkbros did, or maybe Bendy and Cuphead will just have a heartfelt moment or something of that sort. Whatever your idea is(if you submit one in the comments) I'll make sure to give a shout out to whoever's idea I use in that chapter!

Bye and until we meet again :)

Cupbros X Inkbros(Bendy And Boris)Where stories live. Discover now