Rules to Preforming an Exorcism

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1. Get Connected to the Holy Spirit. Not everyone is in a position to perform an exorcism. If you aren't connected to the Holy Spirit, you need to get others who are filled with Spirit to do it, or become filled yourself first. If you you try to take on demons you are in a dangerous position.

2. Humble yourself. In order to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, you must first realize that you have not led a perfect life and none of us measure up to God's expectations and requirements. Ask for forgiveness for every thing you have ever done wrong in your whole life (even the things you can't remember). Make a firm commitment to turn away from what ever you have been doing wrong. Commit your life to Good. This may be difficult, but say the words "I forgive you" about your offenders even if you don't feel like it. Note: If you say it and dont mean it, its a sin that you'll have to ask forgiveness for(again).

3. If you have never been baptized by your own personal choice(not as a baby) Get baptized fully immersed in water in God's name as a public declaration in front of others. Invite the Spirit of God to enter you. Learn about Him through His Words in the bible. Commit to live a life pleasing to Him.

4. Command the demon to be silent in the name of God. The demon may try to talk nonsense and scare you but the power that lives within you is far greater than the power of the demons.

5. If you are not sure that you do have the power of the Spirit living in you, then instead of commanding the demons directly, it is much safer to ask God to command the spirit to be silent, or leave etc. "God I ask that you cast out any and all evil spirits in, around or attached to ______(name)". If the possessed person is willing, then ask them to command the spirit to get out of themselves in the name of God.

6. Don't do this alone. You can do this alone if you are very strong in God's Spirit, but it would preferred that you have loved ones of the possessed with you.

7. Boldly and out loud, lay your hands on everything that wish to be sanctified and pray over those things. Example: lay your Hands on door posts of bedrooms, your books etc and pray out loud, Thank you Lord for your sanctification, In God's name, I command all demons, you leave at once, I bless these books In the name of The father Etc... ) Let the Holy Spirit guide you.

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