The First Exorcism

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Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. ~  Ephesians 6:10-13

November 7th, 2007, 12:34am.

The day I first saw an exorcism was the day I let myself doubt what is true and what is right. I remember it vividly. It was a calm and cold night. The wind whispered softly, as Father Thomas and I stood outside, watching our hot breath creating a fog in the deep freeze of the dark. We stood outside the home of an elderly woman. Her house was a small yellow rectangle, with white trim along the the roof and a blue picket fence surrounding her organized flower bed.

The block was a long residential neighborhood that was built in the early 60's. There were large trees lining all the way down the sidewalks, making a beautiful pathway with a bed of leaves all over the street.

Father Thomas looked at me as he held his thick wool coat against his neck. His gray hair was covered by his black cap. His rough wrinkled hands squeezing his coat against his white collar.

Father Thomas looked at me and asked, "Are you ready David?"

I looked into his eye's and gave my trust to him.

"Yes Father." I said through padded breath

Father Thomas slowly opened the gate and and began walking. Walking up to the front door I felt my heart begin to pound and a slight warmth above my forehead. With only two knocks on the door the elderly woman opened up quickly. She stood in the doorway holding a worn out king James bible to her chest, as her hair was jumbled and frizzed as if she had just awoke from a nightmare.

The woman looked at Father Thomas and immediately gestured him in, "Oh Father Thank goodness. She's getting worse by the minute"

We stepped inside the woman's home. I closed the door behind me as the woman guided father Thomas to the back room. Looking around the house I saw pictures, Of the elderly woman with what I assume is her family. I looked around and saw her as young woman, with a tall dashing man at her side and three beautiful little blonde haired girls with pigtails. Each one had smiles of pure happiness and love. Looking at those pictures I felt envy. It was as if I could see her whole life from start to finish. It was filled with a loving family, happy marriage, and adoring children.

"David!" father Thomas called from down the hall.

I walked swiftly to the back room. I opened the door and saw father Thomas standing at the foot of a large bed. The elderly woman was standing next to him, still clenching her bible. I stepped inside and walked up next to father Thomas, looking into his eye's for solace.

"Look and see the demon, David. This is what god has chosen us to fight" Father Thomas said to me with confidence.

I pulled my gaze down towards the bed. I saw a woman in a long white night gown. Her hands and feet bound to the bed. Her head was nothing but skin. Sweat dripping down the side of her face. And her eye's were as black as the night. She was squirming and moaning in rage.

"We must hurry. Her body is growing weak." Father Thomas exclaimed.

Father Thomas turned to the old woman and asked, "What's her name?"

"Stacy" the old woman replied

Father Thomas then turned to me as I turned to him, "Alright David. I will hold it back and pray. I need you to command the Demon out."

I felt fear creep over me as I replied, "Father Thomas. I can't. I... I don't know how to..."

Father Thomas puts his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye and said, "Its simple David. Do you love Jesus?"

"Yes" I replied

Father Thomas then asked, "Do you know that you have not lived a perfect life and that you accept it and ask Jesus for forgiveness?"

"Yes" I replied

"Do you believe that god can give you the strength to fight anything?" Father Thomas Asked

I paused for a moment to think. Then replied, "yes"

Father Thomas, gently clenched my shoulders and said, "Then speak the words in his name. And ask for his help to rid the demon from that girls body."

I looked into father Thomas eye's and felt his courage flush into me. I nodded to him. He took his hands off my shoulders and walked to the woman in the bed. He removed his Silver cross from his neck and held it to the Woman's face.

The woman began to scream out and thrash violently.

"Fuck you!" she shouted out with rage.

Father Thomas slowly placed the cross on her chest and closed his eyes tight and began to pray. I looked down at the possessed woman. The elderly woman walked up to me and handed me a chalice of water.

I turned my head to look at the elderly woman as she said, "Its holy water. I know you can save her."

The elderly woman let go of the challis as I held it in my hands. I walked over the other side of the bed and looked down to the bound woman. She turned her head and looked up at me with those black eyes. I could feel her searching my soul. I placed my thumb in the challis. I raised it and slowly wiped the water on her forehead in two intersecting lines.

I spoke, "Jesus guide my hand, and redeem this woman's soul. Give her life, In the name of the father."

The possessed woman began thrashing harder and harder as spit flew from ear to ear. Father Thomas sat beside her holding his cross down on her chest as he prayed. She thrashed and thrashed harder and harder.

I shouted out, "In nomine sancte spiritus, ego præcipio tibi ad inferos!"

Suddenly, she stopped in an instant closing her eyes tight. Her body went still. Not single breath released from her mouth. I looked down and saw her. She looked as if she was asleep. Father Thomas opened his eyes and began to look at her. Then she opened her eye's and they were as clear as day. What was once black is now crystal blue. The woman exhaled deeply, and began breathing rapid short breath's. The Demon was gone.

The elderly woman ran to the bed and began stroking the bound woman's head and crying tears of joy. Father Thomas looked up at me and smiled. I was in such a state of shock all i could do was stand there and watch. I had fought evil for the first time, and i won.


Once again latin used above, "In nomine sancte spiritus, ego præcipio tibi ad inferos!" (Pronounced en-know-me-nay sunk-tay spear-eh-two's eh-go Pra-sip-E-O tee-bee add in-fare-o's) which in english means "In the name of the holy spirit, I command you to return to hell!"

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