True Evil

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Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness. - Matthew 23:27

The day I began to doubt, was the day I first saw true evil.

November 9th, 2007, 2:26 pm

The days following my first exorcism were magical. I felt myself growing strong in spirit. I was in awe of the power I was able to expel by speaking the word of god and believing in his strength. It filled me with such purpose. But something inside me lingered. Curiosity had taken a hold of me.

Walking into St. Josephs church, for me, was like coming home. I ate, slept, lived, and gave me life to the church. St. Josephs was a beautiful place too. A large stone building atop fresh cut green grass, and and long bell tower that reached towards the sky, As if it were built for the almighty himself. The nun's were head up by a middle aged, kind and gentle voiced woman named sister Mary. The church, was run by the incomparable Monsignor O'Hale.

Monsignor O'Hale was also a kind soul, he gave his life to the church like most of us and dedicated time to helping young runaway teenagers. He saved so many from, drugs, alcohol, premarital sex, Parental abuse and so many other evils of this world. If it wasn't for Monsignor O'Hale St. Josephs would have died a long time ago.

Walking into the church, sister Mary greeted me, as she always does.

"Father David, beautiful heavenly day isn't it?"

I looked at her and said, "Beautiful as always sister."

She would smile at me and walk along.That day was the day was the last day, I'd ever see or speak to Monsignor O'Hale. I was standing in the courtyard tending to the garden, as most priests did in their career's they learned to first care for and love the life of a plant before they could know to love the life of a human. It was the Monsignor's philosophy. In some small way I thought it was quite ridiculous, but I didn't question it. I did it with pride and joy.

As I plucked large growing weeds from the dirt I heard a voice call to me.

"David" Monsignor's voice muttered

I let halted for a moment and wiped the dirt from my large blue garden gloves, and I stood up and turned around. Monsignor O'Hale was standing there looking at me, holding his hands behind his back with a smile on his face.

"Yes Monsignor?"

"Father Thomas tells me you, conducted your first exorcism." He mentions

I looked into his dark brown eyes and said with pride, "Yes. I did"

Monsignor looked at me, gently brushed his dark brown hair out of his eyes, and said, "He also tells me that, your presence and your courage was nothing short of heavenly armor"

I wiped my nose in embarrassment and said, "I don't know about that. I just listened to Father Thomas."

Suddenly I could see a small fleck of a frown on the Monsignor's face. He paused for a moment, looked down, and quickly took a breath through his nose.

He looked back up at me and asked, "Might I ask. Did father Thomas seem uneasy, when he asked you to take lead?"

I looked at the Monsignor with confusion and said, "Sir?"

"Never mind. Its nothing, just worrying for the sake of worrying." Monsignor says in a brushed off tone.

The moment grew quiet. The sun shining through the open square garden, in the middle of the church. The light shining down on our heads as the heat began to warm our cloths. Monsignor O'Hale looked down again, then back up at me and slightly twisted his body as if to walk away.

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