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A/N: if you were expecting me I didn't think anyone would read this but thanks for reading this. go to the next chapter bc there was a mix up or something idk but the first chapter is in the next one


(Pretend it's u)

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(Pretend it's u)

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user:ur so pretty 💖
^y/n.y/l/n:thank you 🥺
hannah.diaz:text me

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You decided to text hannah bc u were bored and nothing better to do but before you did you got a text saying we would like to invite you to playlist (I don't know how it works so just roll with it) you got so exited you started jumping all around your room. You texted hannah telling her the news.



Hannah guess what

What did you win the LOTTERY

No stupid

Omg y/n I'm so happy for u

And u know what else

What dumbfuck

Wow I was gonna say your coming with me but nevermind 😭🥺

Omg seriously I'm so sry

It's ok I didn't care 😂


End of texts
(Skip to the day of going to playlist bc I'm too lazy)

I'm so excited to go to playlist all I can think about is meeting all my fans and having fun with hannah. I wonder what tik tokers I'll meet their tho.

Third person:
You wake up to your alarm and wake up at 6:00 bc you have to be ready by 7:00. You get in the shower and change into this

 You get in the shower and change into this

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You put your bags in your Uber. You make it to the airport.(Fast forward to when u make it to the hotel) You get inside get your room key and lay on the bed. You set down your stuff and so does hannah

Wanna go eat I'm super hungry

Hannah: Me too! Let's go to Panda Express

You: ok sure

At Panda Express
You guys order your food and start eating but you see someone you recognize. You ignore it and finish eating but when he turns around you were shocked

A/N: Left y'all on a cliffhanger not that much. This was kinda a long chapter idk but I'll try to be posting more

Word Count: 364

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