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^i just think this song is a vibe

A/N:helloooo thank you for 30 reads🥺 it makes me happy seeing that I'm not writing this for no one to see. Now on with the story!

Recap: You went to Panda Express and saw...

Keep going

A little more

Ok fine

You saw the one an only Nick Austin. You didn't really want him to notice you so u told hannah and asked her if we could leave she said "yah that's fine". You guys walked backed to your hotel room and you started pacing back and forth. You don't even know why you were so nervous you just were.

Hannah's POV:
Y/n was literally freaking out she looked like she was sweating. "Y/n what's wrong it's not like nicks gonna kill u" you told her "I know it's just I didn't expect him to come and what if I'm to mean to him and he thinks I'm not a good fr-

I stopped her and hugged her "Your an amazing friend and the best" you smiled at her and she smiled back. " I'm just gonna see if I see him again or if he sees me first ig" she said nervously.

Me and Hannah decided to go down to meet some fans. Everyone was to nice to you and Hannah and surprisingly there was a lot of people. You weren't "famous famous" you were just famous.

We were walking back to our room when I bumped into an old friend.
The one and only Avani Gregg

She was the most nicest person ever.
You were in shock and hugged her and she hugged back

"OMG Y/N I haven't seen you in forever wow" she said as she hugged me again

"I know it's so nice to see you again" you had totally forgot about hannah

*cough,cough* you turned around and said "oh um sorry so um this is my best friend hannah"

Hannah hugged Avani and said hi

"So you wanna see my friends" Avani asked

"Sure" you said

You started to walk by hannah behind Avani heading toward her room. You headed inside and your jaws dropped to the floor.

A/N: And I'm leaving it here sry not sry. Leave any suggestions in the comments if you'd like

Word Count:391

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