Chapter 1

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Annyeong everyone I'm Jennie Kim. I'm 24 Years old. I am studying at KM University with my Brother. As you can see that University was ours i mean also Manoban's, they have shares with our University so that's why. Btw My Brother was Kim Jongin also known as Kai he's 26 Years old. Yeah you read it right. He stop studying for 3 years because he help our dad managing our company then now he'll continue. We're both close to each other since birth but sometimes we often argue.

Jongin and I are now heading at the University, it's our first day of school and it's kinda exciting, we both miss our friends and i also can't wait to have a new friends, I'm known as a bully last school-year but i don't think that I'll still bully someone right now cuz i already change. People changed right?.

"Jennie-Yah I'm excited to meet a hot chick there" Jongin spoke then chuckle i just look at him while shaking my head. He never change he's still a playboy, i wish he met someone who can change him.

"Aish oppa we're going there to study not to flirt" i said making sure it'll sounded in a serious tone.

"Fine fine but i can't avoid beautiful girls out there hahaha" he reply then bite his lower lip. I just sigh and ignore him.

After a few minutes we arrived at the University. We quickly hop out and head inside.

"Arghhh!! I miss this University so much!" Jongin shouted causing the other students to look at us. I then smack his head.

"No need to shout, you're just disturbing them" i said then rolled my eyes to him and started walking.

It's still the same. There's no changes. It's still beautiful at the same time peaceful. It's really organized. It's still neat as always.

Jongin and I arrived at our respective class. As we enter, students started murmuring and squealing at us.

I just ignore them and take a sit near the window while Jongin started flirting. Aishhh he's so flirty.
I just shrugged it off and roam my eyes around the room until someone caught my eyes. I think she's transferee. She's eating a gummy bear peacefully. In this early morning she's eating? Unbelievable.

She's beautiful no scratch that she's perfect. Her kissable plump lips, big brown doe eyes, sharp jawline, pointed nose, blonde hair with bangs and specially her perfect curved body. Yahh Jennie what are you thinking?! I smirk. I already find my new victim.

I stood up and approach her. I stood up infront of her but she didn't notice me cuz she keeps eating. Is she really that hungry?. I smirk and grab her gummy bears then throw it on the floor. She got startled and look up to meet my gaze. Damn she's so hot!. I shrugged my thought. She's now staring at her gummy bears on the floor while tears falling on her cheeks. Why is she crying? It's just a gummy bear tskk.

"W-why did you throw my g-gummy bears?" She asked me between her sobs and look at me with puffy eyes. I huffed.

"Didn't you know that eating inside the class are not allowed? " I asked sarcastically while lifting my left eyebrow.

"B-but im hungry a-and besides there's no t-teacher" she replied and continue crying that makes me irritated. I grabbed her hair hardly making her whine in pain and cry loudly getting the attention of the whole class. Hell i care?

"JENNIE!" Jongin shouted but i ignored him

"Didn't you know me huh?! How dare you answer me like that?!" I shouted at her still grabbing her hair.

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