OUTLINE TWO~DEALING WITH PRESSURE: Truths we ignore, and lies we tell ourselves.
This is a delicate but really important aspect to deal extensively on, This chapter may hurt your pride and break your moral, but its a good thing, because the moment you realise that its OK to be wrong sometimes, life suddenly becomes clear waters.
Now lets go deeper, How do you deal with pressure? Now note, Pressure has a few friends, namely,
°The "I Don't Care" Syndrome
°Moral defects (Which entail a lot as well)
Yeassss! You would agree with me that pressure is a light weight wrapping wrapped truck load of trouble, yes, to let it in is to deal with it, the good news is that these friends of pressure don't visit uninvited, they come in style and time, and they're very good at making themselves at home, and you at ease while they quickly close in on your life and cause damage
"...A little sleep, a little slumber and so shall...." You know the rest?(laughs).
Now remember when I said pressure was a fox? Yeah, in dealing with it you must apply the principle of wisdom which is the principle thing, don't fold your arms and wait it out, nuh uh, worst mistake you can make guy, pressure can get you into a hot boiling pot of edikainkong soup, and funny enough, you'll keep telling yourself that the world is wrong for treating you badly, when in actual context you've lost all your self respect! To overcome pressure you need the truth to set you free, what is the truth?
Stop telling yourself that shit called sin is your heritage, dang it! You're listening and repeating the annoying looped feedback from hell! Christ has given you the power of choice, the power of life and death is in your tongue for crying out loud! So stop saying you're a sinner because yahweh finds no fault in you! You are the righteousness of God and your righteousness is of him!
Stop playing religion and spiritualize everything, (sigh) you know, I can't emphasize this enough, because pretty much everything is a sin in this era we live in, doctrine has eaten deep into the bride of Christ! Believers like myself used to be scared of being ourselves before the one who sees beyond flesh, why? Because of the doctrinal crap going on today, we are dilly dallying with the truth, we've neglected living the real life, which God originally designed for us! Forget the trend and know God for yourself, whatever does not sit right with your conscience is not worth thinking about, definitely should not be done! But if its the other way around, then I tell ya, you won't be at peace till its done! That is how you know whats the right or wrong thing to do.I think that the most commonly ignored truth is the fact we caused our own predicament by ourselves! We have the choice to let the situations break or make us, but most of us choose to learn the hard way! And if we realise this and tell ourselves the truth, Coming out becomes much easier.
Pressures And Me.
SpiritualA journey into the life of the people around you, an eye opener to the realities of why people act the way they do, discover the hidden signs of pressure around you and how to overcome it.