Chapter 2

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Taehyung's POV

I signed in for my shift, hanging up my coat and putting my apron on. "TAE! Table two didn't order yet!" Jimin screamed from the kitchen. "On it!" I yelled back, grabbing my notebook and pen. "Can I take your order?" I asked, looking down at my note pad. 

"Hey sugar plum!" he greeted and I looked up, recognizing the voice, "don't you have work to do?" I asked. "Well after taking a whole collection of pictures, I have the rest of the week off. So I'll be seeing you more often." He said and I rolled my eyes. "I'll have a latte, with condensed milk and no sugar." he said, offering me the biggest smile. "Coming up." I said. 

I came back, bringing him his order, "So Mr Jeon, what do you have for me today?" I asked, taking a seat across from him. He took a sip of his latte and cleared his throat, "Do you know what my shirt is made of?" He asked and I shook my head. "Boyfriend material." He finished and I tried to hold back a huge smile. 

"Y'know, you're really something." I said. He flashed me yet another smile. "How about I take you on a date on Saturday, and if you enjoy my company, we'll take it from there. If you don't like my company , you won't ever see my face again." he offered. After some thinking I gave a nod, "Alright Jungkook, but just know, I have high standards." I said, and with that I got up, waiting on other tables.

I walked into the kitchen, "Chim guess what?" I said, "what?" he asked, icing some cupcakes. "Jungkook asked me on a date and he said if I don't like his company, he'll leave me alone." I said. "Tae, you should stop playing around, two weeks tops and you'll want to have him, but by the time you realsie it, he's already gone." Chim warned and I huffed. 

"You like to burst my bubble~" I whined, and he put some icing on my cheeks, "cheer up bub and go get your man." he cheered, making me blush. 

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