Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Do your ever have those moments where you mind completely wanders away? If you have ever been in a civics class with an insane, nut job of a teacher, then yeah you've had one of these moments. A tap on my desk brought me back to reality. A blue post it was stuck on my desk. 'You ready to ditch?' it read. I looked up and saw Cooper giving me one of his famous lopsided grins. He pointed at the door and then to his clock. 9 minutes to go.

We planned our scheme the night before over the phone when both of our parents were asleep. We would wait until class was over, leave the school through the back entrance, use the cross country trail that led to the center of the park, and arrive at the festival. I came up with most of it while Cooper was munching down on his Halloween candy. Bethany, Cooper, and I all dressed up as Avenger characters and went trick-or-treating. I'm not big on candy, so I gave most of it to Cooper and my little sister. Do you realize what kind of idiot I am to give a giant super battery a bag of sugary sweets? Talk about turning into a Tasmanian devil. The kid was a fire ball for eight hours!!!!

RIIIINNNNGGGG!!!!! The scrapping of chairs and the sound of rustling paper filled my ears, as I realized class was over. It's go time. I scooped of my things, threw it into my bag, and caught up with Cooper outside the classroom. "You ready to party, Del?" he bellowed and fist pumped the air. "Will shut up, idiot? Do you WANT us to get caught?" I grabbed his hand and pulled it down. "Do you know how much trouble we will get in if we get caught? Were talking about suspension, expulsion!" Wow, I really am a stick in the mud.

"Chill out. If we do, I have a back up plan. And it involves stink bombs, fire sprinklers, and a little bit of electricity," he whispered, giving me a mischievous look. How did I, Delilah Channers, ever become friends with someone like Cooper Holt? Beats me.

He grabbed my hand and practically yanked my arm out racing towards the exit. Way to be nonchalant, Cooper. We might have gotten away clean if it wasn't for the fact that the security alarm system was on. An ear piercing shrill came from the overhead intercom. We both looked at each other. Oh shit.

We ran outside onto the the gravel road that led to the trail. "So where's your back up plan, Cooper?" I called out as we ran into the forest. For a 5'2" girl, I run pretty fast. Keeping up with Cooper was easy. "I wasn't actually serious! Give a guy some cred!" you could hear the panic in his voice as we both started to slow down.

The distant echo of the alarm was barely audible. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins, making me extremely jittery. "What a rush!" Cooper exclaimed,"You can never get a feeling like that at football practice!"

Our pace slowed down to a walk, but I was preparing to take off if someone was chasing after us. Maybe the police would show up. The FBI? Could they trace us back to where the alarm sett off? Oh jeez, why hadn't I thought about this before?

As if reading my thoughts, Cooper reached down and grabbed my hand. Whaaaatttttt? "It's all good, Del. Nothing to worry about. Trust me, I'm a professional," he winked at me.He was really good at that. Remind me to practice at home some time. You know, it could be useful. And with that last sentence, he let go of my hand.

It was strange, I didn't want him to let go. I could feel the heat rushing towards my face, and I knew I was intensely blushing. Don't let him see you, you don't want to give him any wrong ideas!!!! "Hey look, whe're here!" Cooper ran towards the park entrance.

Theres no way you could miss it. Huge tents were scattered around the town square, colorful lights were blinking on and off, spine tingling rides were arranged around the food vendors. It was like a 5 year olds impression of a candy store times 10. After paying the park entrance fee, Cooper and I grabbed some sodas from a nearby vendor. It was a lot to take in, especially when you just shot through the forest after setting off a screeching alarm system.

"Woohoo, look at that!" Cooper pointed towards an enormous rollercoaster. This thing has to be at least 150 feet high, with a heart stopping death drop in the middle of it and tons of twists, turns, and upside loops. "How do they manage to assemble that thing in a day?" he said. Attached to it was a sign that read The Bone Reancher. Oh thats lovely. "We are definetly riding that!" the delight in his voice was overwhealming. But not enough to get me to ride THAT. "After you just chugged two sprites?" I asked. "You'll be spewing soda out your nose before we even make it to the top!" He glanced over at me and said,"Wait, for real?" I nooded my head. "THAT'S AWESOME!" he screamed and practically hurdled himself towards the line. That fact that he looked like he looked forward to a soda spewing was just disgusting. "What are you waiting for, common on? Ugghhh, how do I get roped into these things?

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