Chapter Thirty-One: Crimson Images.

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Flashed and hurried images.

Flew before her eyes.

Only a few stuck in her memory.

But with time the would come back.

Maybe with some help.

When my eyes finally could make some sense in what was going on the only thing I felt was a stinging pain between my legs and the freezing wind that nipped at my frozen and exposed skin. Then it happened again. My hair was grabbed at the pack of my head and dumped into a bucket with stone cold ice. Then it happened again. And again, and again. This happened for several more times before I actually started gasping for air.

Coughing I grabbed the sides of the bucket with my hands. But that didn't stop the person from dunking my head back into the water again. Taking in a big wave of water I got back out of the bucket again and spit out the water. The closing of a heavy metal door closing was heard and after that some echoing steps were heard.

"André has finally got some sense into you I see." It was Hiram that was stepping closer to me and talking.

André let me go and I continued spitting out the remaining water from my throat. While that, I glared at him and tried to stand up. But the heaviness suddenly weighed down on me and a bolting sting between my legs became more worse and worse. As well as the buzzing between my ears that made by brains go insane.

Hiram chuckled. "Be ready in five minutes." He told me.

He and André walked out the room and left a sports bag for me. When my hands left the sides if the bucket I made a attempt to reach for the black sports bag that sat on a metal bench a few feet from me. I collapsed within seconds and landed on my upper arms. Panting I crawled over to the bag and pulled it from the bench.

With my eyes threatening to close up every second I gather some small strength I had and pulled on the zipper. In it was as suspected, the gear for a fight. I didn't expect a fight to be happening so soon. Especially not this moment. I pulled out a tight set of a black short sleeved crop top and a black short.

With shaking arms I slowly glided the clothing over my trembling legs and then over my head. I wrapped the bandage's around my feet and my hands slowly cause I didn't want to make a mistake right now while my vision is still blurry and trying to make out the shapes. With my hand I felt if they were tight enough and if they were wrapped in the right way. When I was almost sure they were I put in the mouth guard. Seeing as last time I was drugged I didn't drank the water and dropped to the ground, already exhausted.

What the hell happened before? I can't remember anything and I don't know why my thighs were stinging and trembling heavily. With drooping eyes I softly started swaying again. The door opened and I was dragged to my feet again and tugged by my hair. Arms pulled me along with mine and I was back in the ring. The usual announcement harassed my ears and I squeezed my eyes closed and held my hands pinned to my ears. The noise didn't go down as I did so and I dipped my head between my legs with the position I'm sitting in.

Cold water was thrown over me and my eyes shot open. The bell rang and my eyes darted around the room. This time the crowd was bigger. Shooting us from my position on the floor I realized I shouldn't be looking around the room but worrying about the girl that charged towards me. I had a sloppy stance, but that wasn't my only problem.

The girl landed a punch to my face and I staggered back. My hands reached my noise and felt my eyes water slowly and felt the dripping crimson coming from my nose. Before I could look back up the girl kicked me in the side and I fell down on the concrete with a loud thud. I could feel Hiram being disappointed in me but that wasn't the reason I got up. I did it for me. Maybe I could go back home that day with some money to get around on and spend carelessly.

Swaying I got back into stance and tried to think of my feet work. I landed a lazy kick to her stomach and she didn't seemed fazed at all. Dropping her hands to her sides she got out of her strong stance and grinned. She knew I wasn't able to do anything really so she wanted to take me out quickly. I could see all of that for just looking for one second in her black as coal eyes. She walked towards me and softly pushed me back by my shoulder.

Laughing she did it again and I fell back on the ground on my back. As my head hit the ground my vision was being outlined by a black rim. I stared up at the ceiling of the high building and just laid there. I could not move and I didn't want to. I didn't even want to win this anymore I want this to be over and go home.

Never having this kind of experience before I didn't know what to do. I could do anything. I just lay here motionless as a grinning figure floated above me. A heavy weight fell on my stomach and my head was thrown from the left to the right, and that happened all over again as it seems. My body released all it's heat and sweat I had in me but that didn't make my mouth feel dry. Instead I felt like choking at the blood that spewed from my nose and came up my throat. Not bothering in trying to swallow it or sniff it up I just hoped my death was soon, not even thinking about going home. It looked like it was near mine and I was on the edge of passing out. It were only quick images that would let me know I'm not dead yet and I would survive.

Before I got dragged out the ring I passed by Hiram. I made my words clear as I whispered them out in a low voice. And his face fell at my threatening statement,

"I'm gonna tell Veronica."

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