9 // Window.☆

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"That's weird." I thought to myself while walking slowly towards the window. The closer I got to the window, I heard growling, louder and louder, until it stopped. I was standing in the middle of my room, looking around. Black, that's all I could see. It was too quiet, the only thing I heard was Liam's soft snoring.

I was walking back to the bed when I heard growling again, but this time, it was closer. I ran to the bed and woke Liam while turning on the light. There were scratching sounds and growling coming from outside my bedroom door. Liam quickly got up and stood by me.

"Who's there?" I shouted.
*even more growling*
"Come in and face us!" Liam shouted.
*Bang* the door flew open and an angry Scott McCall Stood there looking at us with red eyes.
"Omg Scott, you're an alpha?!" I said.
He looked at me with panic and his eyes turned back to normal.
"Shit Y/N, wait, you're not scared?"


After telling the story of my life to Scott, he looked at me smiling.

"So when we played together as kids, you knew about all this and never told a soul?"
"But my mother didn't know about it until I told her, and she's your mother's sister. Why?"
"Well, both our mother's family has this codex kinda rule. You don't tell people who doesn't need to know, and if you're not supernatural,  you don't need to know. It's only to put them out of danger "
"Oh I see. Well, it's time for me to go, oh, and, Liam?"
"Watch those hands, remember she is my cousin." He winked.


Author's note:
It's been a while, but I have decided to put this story on hold and enjoy my life before school starts again!

But I hope you like the cover I made.

Have a nice summer guys, love y'all.
Thank you for voting, commenting and reading.🥺💕

Word count - 333.

New creatures // Liam Dunbar // Teen Wolf - Discontinued:(Where stories live. Discover now