Chapter 1: So Hot, So Stupid

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Anya's POV:

I woke up with a bad headache, I'm so not a morning person. I turned over my bed and sat down. I picked up my phone and checked the time, it was just 6:00. Gee I'm early. I got up and hurried to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and took a warm bath and then I went into my forest of a closet to find some clothes to wear today.

I searched and searched then finally settled on black skinny not too rugged jeans, a black pair of boots, a black bag, with a silver necklace and finally a black oversized sweater that was just above my belly button. I combed my hair and went down stairs for breakfast after which I got my car ready to go pick Luna from her home to school. She's the only one amongst the three of us without a car.

We got to school at exactly twenty minutes to eight so we called Roxy and she said she was already on her way and since we always go in to school together, we decided to wait for her in the parking lot, so we entered into the car again. Two minutes later Roxy arrived and parked her car right next to mine  and then we all got down from our cars and started to walk into the school in a very slow pace like no mans business.

I was in the middle, Luna was at my right while Roxy was just at my left. All eyes were on us to make it more dramatic I did a hair flip and blew imaginary kisses to some group of boys who were trying to go through their books before classes starts. Morons.

I found a weirdo smirking at me causing me to roll my eyes and just when I was about to turn my face away, a red-haired girl came and smacked his head and I'm pretty sure I heard the words "O so u have started looking at other girls now huh?!" come out from her mouth. I laughed in my head and finally took my face away from the fighting couple.

We continued to walk and flip and blow kisses until we got to the center hall where we found Jake, Tyler and Ben, our boyfriends.
Luna went with Tyler, Roxy went with Ben while I went ahead to walk with Jake and that was how the six of us went to our lockers together to collect our books for our first class. Some people were still looking at us, some were starting to pack their own books while the nerds that want to get to class early had already gone, bitch why would you want to be ten minutes early for a class.

Since we  were already done with packing our books we decided to stay and chat here until the bell rings, we all really hate being early for classes except for Luna though, she's nerdy sometimes.

"Guys, I gotta go now its five more minutes before classes start so I really gotta go", she said holding unto Tyler's hands

"Come on babe,let me walk you", and that was how they both left

"I don't even understand what they gain when they go to class early", Roxy said

"Tyler's just doing it to please Luna", Ben stated

"Hey, did you guys hear about the student transfer that they are gonna do next week?" Jake asked acting like he didn't even hear what Roxy and Ben were talking about earlier.

"I didn't hear, I'm not interested in school news", I said playing with my fingers uninterested in his choice of topic.

"Well, it's happening and I just can't wait for it to happen, by this time next week an idiot will be leaving this school and another idiot will be coming in. I hope it's a female idiot and I hope she's a blonde, I love blondes", I looked at him in awe, does he realize I'm his girlfriend and my hair is black or has he gone blind.

I actually hate Jake Anderson, I'm only going out with him because of his social status; he's rich, hot, popular and the head of our school's football team but apart from that, he is a serious bafoon and yes his statement is supposed to hurt me but it didn't because I don't love him anyways. Everyone knows I don't date for love, I've had series of boyfriends before him and I've never loved any one of 'em they just have to be popular, rich, handsome and reasonable and then I'll scan them a bit and if I like what I see then i go ahead. But I swear I still don't remember what I even saw in Jake.

*bell rings*
Gee, time for classes, Ben walks Roxy to class and my stupid boyfriend walks to class without me. How can a guy so hot be so stupid?

Authors note:
Finally done with chapter one🎊🎊🎊
How do u guys think of it?
What did you think about Jake?
And this new transfer student, I know from the info it's totally obvious who he is ☺️

In case you notice any mistakes please don't hesitate to tell me in the comment box below. I promise to update daily after all I've really got nothing to do😉

And remember stay home and stay safe
#rietta cares

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