Chapter 2: What_an_idiot

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Picture of Tyler above 😚


Anya's POV:

School was over for the day finally, I went to the hallway and straight to my locker waiting for the other's to come and join me. It was exactly one minute later when I found Luna running towards me with Tyler right behind her. They're really a cute couple I can't believe Tyler changed himself for her.

Actually, Luna isn't as badass as I and Roxy but we have all been friends since childhood. I actually love her carefree life and the way she fulls her head with dreamy stuff. She is really cute by the way, she has cute dimples and long brown hair, she's just so adorable and if u didn't actually know we were childhood friends then you'll be wondering how such a good girl got to meet girls like I and Roxy.

Tyler on the other hand was a bad boy. Among his trio, He was actually the main badass but since Jake is the leader of the football team, people don't usually recognize him that way. He has the perfect body any boy would want to have, the perfect green eyes along with his short brown hair. He was once among those boys that go around toying with every girls feelings but since he met Luna, he actually changed for her and does everything she wants. He didn't even care if it would affect his social status.
Sometimes, their relationship makes me want to think that love actually exists.

"Anya, I just came to tell you that I won't be able to go home with you, Tyler and I are going shopping", she said when she had finally reached where I was standing with a huge smile on her face.

"Wait, Tyler you're going shopping?" I asked confused.

As far as I remember Tyler doesn't even know how a shopping mall looks like. He has never gone shopping not even with his mom. Considering the fact that he is super rich he can easily command one of his house helps to go for him besides according to him 'shopping is for women and jobless men'.

"Yeah Luna had adviced me that it's a good thing to try new things out", he said to me with a small smile. Obviously he still doesn't want to go, he just wants Luna to be happy.

"OK then, happy shopping but make sure you get me a new pair of plaid pants", I replied faking a serious look

"Sure, let's go Tyler", Luna replied as she scurried off with Tyler behind her just then Roxy, Ben and Jake appeared

"Hey", said Jake to me like the jerk he actually is, I just hate this guy.

"Hi boyfriend", I said forcing a smile to my face.

"Where's Luna?" asked Roxy

"Well, she went out with Tyler on a date or something", I lied in attempt not to let Ben and Jake know he went shopping, they'll make fun of him for the year.

"Anyways Brandon invited me to a party tonight and I'm supposed to bring a girl and since we are dating, I decided to bring you", Jake stated with the most disgusting smirk in the smirking history.

He must be really stupid. What does he mean by 'since we are dating' way to state the obvious handsome and did he just say he decided? In this relationship, I'm the only one allowed to make the decions ok. I'm not even going anymore.

"I don't go to parties I'm not invited to", I finally said and Roxy laughed guess she knew why I said that, she gets me a lot.

"Come on please, if you don't I'll be the only one without a companion", he says probably thinking that would change my mind.

"If Brandon wanted me at his party then he will probably have invited me", and just then Brandon came over with his ugly self to destroy my plans

"Watsupp gals, I'm haven a parte tonite by ten sharp hope y'all be there and be sure to pass my message over to your freeend Luna", Brandon said in his usual irritating accent, I really hate the way he pronounces his words and thinks its cool

"You have no more excuses malady, now you'll just have to come to the party with me", Jake  said and walked away still smirking leaving the Roxy, Ben and I in the almost empty hallway.

What_an_idiot, amongst all the guys I've ever dated he is definitely the most stupid, I swear I'm breaking up with him tomorrow.

"I'm sorry I can't go home with either of you since we all brought our cars, we will all just have to go on our own", Roxy announced

"It's ok I'll come pick you up later though, I'll text you the time the place is a surprise", Ben told Roxy as we headed over to our cars.

Ben and Roxy's love always reminds me of I and one of my exes, Liam.
I and Liam had the same taste for almost everything but then he caught me cheating on him with his best friend and that was how we broke up. Don't blame me that's what I do.

Some minutes later, I was already at home. Dad was'nt at home so it was just Amelia, Mum and I. Mum was in the kitchen trying to invent a new food as usual, she is the head chef at a well known restaurant so she always tries to invent new food to impress her boss. Amelia was always the one putting her tastes buds to use to know what food would be perfect for the  restaurant.

"Hey mum, Jake asked me out on a party starting ten I don't know when I'll be back", I screamed from the living room

"OK hunny", my mum answered back from the kitchen.

"And I'm borrowing your credit card for shopping and the salon"

"Yeah, whatever", she replied in a cherry tune causing me to smirk

Let's just say anytime my mum is busy in the kitchen she becomes temporarily deaf so Amelia and I use it to our advantage.


"Mum, can I borrow some of your jewelry, I need it for Princess Charlie's collection", three years old Amelia asked mum
"Sure hunny"

"Mum, can I use all your favourite clothes to sew a nice dress for lady pumpkins" three years old me asked
"Sure hunny"

"Mum can I borrow your wedding gown Princess Charlie does not have one" four years Amelia asked
"Sure hunny"

And that's why mum doesn't have her original wedding gown

~End of flashback~

I took mum's credit card and went to the my favourite salon in the neighbourhood, Tessy's Place. Apart from hair, Tessy also does manicures, pedicures and spa treatments.

After that I went to the shopping mall opposite Tessy's place and bought the appropriate dress for the party and then I went home and checked my phone for new messages and sure enough I got one from Jake
Jake: Be ready by 10:30, that's when I'll come pick you up

"Idiot", I murmured then lay down back on my bed and fell asleep.

I woke up tired and lazy and checked the time, it was 10:00. I know I can be ready in thirty minutes. I went to the shower, took a bath and wore my clothes by then it was twenty passed ten. I sprayed some deodorants and called Jake who said he was on his way, five minutes later he arrived and off we were to the party.

Author's note:
What did you guys think of this chapter?

I gotta say, it was really long, but I'll try to make sure no chapter will be as long as this I only wanted to make sure that Leo appears in the next chapter that's why I had to stuff 'em all here, Hope you enjoyed it anyways.

Don't forget to vote and comment guys.

Also, stay home and stay safe


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