Part 3

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"You can't be serious" I say closing the door behind me"I'm the eldest it makes sense"

"That's not the point Ada, I promised dad I'd look after you; all of you. How will it look if I send my sister to another town; a town full of strangers run by a man I don't trust"

"Reeve, I can handle him dad didn't raise a perfect daughter" Ada says rolling her eyes,

"I don't care Ada; I can't protect you there!" I yell

"I don't need your protection; I can handle myself" Ada hisses, I narrow my eyes and storm out of the house. I run; run as fast as I can letting my legs lead me, I reach the gate of the castle as night falls. A guard walks up to me wanting to know my business; I explain I need to speak to the queen as a matter of urgency. He calls for the other guards to prepare the queen for an unwelcomed visitor, they slowly lead me to the throne room where the queen was sitting without a veil looking me angrily in the eye.

"What do you want?" she asks with an annoyed tone in her voice

"Your majesty, I need you help I know you think my town is something to be destroyed but I have family there and now lord Ihone of Oar's Rest threatens to break up my family by taking my elder sister away from me,"

"What's your point?"

"Your majesty, your people think you are cold hearted; a machine for your advisers to control but I have a sister of similar age to you and I know you put on a mask so you don't get hurt my sister does the same. I beg you please give my sister a chance she would make a perfect seamstress for you, she mends all my family's clothes and adds beautiful embroidery to any item of clothing. I live just past the forest in the middle of my town, if you would like to show your people you are not cold hearted she's leaving next week you have until then." I explain, I turn and leave before she can give me an answer; I walk home slowly kicking rocks as I go.

I walk through the forests trees as the sun starts to poke through, a familiar shadow walks towards me; as it gets closer I see it's Otto. He looks tired and annoyed,

"Where have you been!" he yells, I rub the back of my neck and sigh

"I went to the castle" I say yawning, Otto slaps the back of my head, I look at him with wide eyes

"You're an idiot you know that!" he screams

"Otto I'm a grown man I can look after myself"

"You can't just disappear like that Reeve, your mother has been up all night!" he explains, I narrow my eyes and look at him. It's understandable that he was worried like my mother and sisters but he has no right to talk to me like he's my father.

"You are not my father"

"No, I'm not but you father isn't here anymore, and your acting like a child."

"Well everyone treats me like one why shouldn't I act like one?" I ask mockingly

"Because your people need guidance from a man, from they're mayor and like it or not that's you"

"And why don't I get a say in that, just because I come from a line of mayors does not mean I wanted to be one! But does anyone listen? No, they just come up to me and tell me what a terrible job I'm doing and how they can do it better, so why don't they why don't I just end it all here? Right now, no more lord of Utra just another body cluttering up the walkway" I cry, Otto's face changes to one of sympathy he pulls me into a hug and doesn't let go until I finished crying. We walk back to my house, quietly opening the door trying not wake anyone if they were asleep. I crawl onto my makeshift bed as a door squeaks open, Otto sits at the kitchen table falling asleep instantly.

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