part 7

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Weeks go by and I haven't found a way of slipping the poison into Margery's food. my luck changes one day when Ada coms rushing into the library,

"What have you done?" she asks 


"The queen is sick! what have you done?" she hisses, I set down the book in my hands and raise from the chair

"What's wrong with her?" 

"She has a fever, you didn't do it?" she questions, a smile creeps on my face and I rush out to the gardens. I pick the herbs I need and walk to the kitchens, I dig out a small pot and start turning them into a tea. I pour the tea into a cup and make my way to Margery's room, the guards let me pass and I see Margery laying motionless on her bed. I walk to her bedside and place the cup on her side table, I place my hand on her forehead and her eyes shoot open;

"You can't be in here" she explains 

"I grew up healing people, I know what I'm doing" tell her sitting her up 

"No, I need someone to watch over Carlisle if something happens" 

"I grew up in a slum, I'll be fine, now drink this" I order handing her the cup, she takes a sip and hands it back to me, 

"My doctors..."

"Are idiots, I'll be back in an hour with a fresh cup, make sure you drink it all" I demand laying her back down. I walk out of her room and go to the nursery, I take Carlisle from one of the nursemaids and take him to the window; it feels different now knowing that my town is empty of loved ones.

"I'll take you there one day" I whisper to Carlisle and he plays with his toy. 

Over the next few weeks I slip a drop or two of the poison into Margery's tea, just enough to keep her daised and confused. I walk into her room with a cup of tea, she's sitting up in her bed she stares at me as I place her tea down on her side table.

"I know what your doing" she tells me, I take a deep breath in and smile

"I don't know what you mean" I say pulling a cover over her

"You're poisioning me!" she agues 

"What gives you that idea?" I ask putting my hand on her fore head, she pushes my hand away from her head; 

"Your trying to kill me!" she screams, 

"I think you need to get some sleep" I say , I leave her room and tell one of the guards to call for her doctor and send him to the library. I sit and wait for the doctor to arrive; I flip through book after book to pass the time when finally a knock on the door arrives.

"Come in" I instruct, A red haired girl comes in and tells me the doctor is here I tell her to let him in; I stand as the girl instructs the doctor to go in. The doctor walks in and bows, he's a short bald man with scaring under his left eye that he tries to hide with his glasses.

"Your royal highness called for me?"

"Yes, thank you for coming so quickly. I worry about the queen she seems out of sorts" I explain 

"How so?" he asks 

"She accused me of trying to kill her...with tea" I tell him putting on my best worried face, the doctor looked concerned, 

"I...I must see her" he says, I nod and take him to her rooms. I open the door and find her sitting up with her legs dangling over the side of her bed, she sees me and her face changes to anger.

"GET OUT!" she screams throwing a hairbrush at me, I dodge the hairbrush and discreetly tell the doctor that this is a daily thing for her now.

"Your majesty, the prince is concerned for your state of mind"

"He's trying to kill me!"

"I'm caring for my wife" I calmly explain, the doctor walks over to Margery and starts his examitation. Margery continues to scream at me and the doctor, I wait outside the door and the screaming continues. I'm leaning against a wall when the doctor walks out, I take him to the library .

"You were right to be concerned sir, I do feel like the queen is close to being classes as insane" he explains 

"How long?" I ask faking concern  

"It's hard to say sir, could be months or it could be longer. I suggest you start to take over with her papers." he tells me. I nod in understanding and show him out, we pass Ada as we walk to palace doors. Ada walks up to me as the doctor leaves, 

"What's happened?" she asks 

"I'm acting sovereign" I tell her with a smile

"What. Did. You. Do" she spits between clenched teeth, I just smile and walk away. 

I slowly increse the dosage of poison in Margery's tea as the weeks go on until she turns into a shell of the woman she was; I call the doctor and he confirms that she only has days. I go down to the dreesers rooms and seek out Ada pulling her into her room, 

"Prepare black clothes she only has days" I explain , she nods and I walk to the study and go through the employee papers sorting them out into new towns and making sure they all have enough money to get them by for a few months.

The next day the news broke that Margery will not make it to the next day, I order everyone into their black clothes and call the doctor to be on hand, I make my way Margery's room; I squeeze a drop of poison into her mouth as she sleeps before throwing it out of the window and sit at her bedside holding onto her hand as the last bit of life slowly escapes her body. The doctor arrives and the last ounce of life leaves Margery's body, the doctor confirms her death and I leave to tell the staff. 

I collect the staff in the throne room with Ada at my side and Carlisle on my lap,

"Your queen is dead. You are all dismissed, please collect your papers and wages from Ada. I wish you all the very best" I tell them, I pick up Carlisle and make my way to the nursery and pack away his things. I load up a carriage with my things and Carlisle's things, Ada throws her belongings onto the carriage and joins us; this was it a new chapter in our lives was about to begin my son and my sister remain from my family but that was okay I had my memories. 

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