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This is my story, the story of a very lonely guy who failed quite a lot and whose fate is to inherit the very place that made his life very gray, along with the decision of parents which costed me my own happiness and slow development and later had an accident. In the past, when I was still a little boy, I once had friends in the neighborhood. After some days of playing with them, I was suddenly pulled back and locked into the house saying that they were dangerous for me. Back then, I didn't quite understand what they meant but I still remembered the feeling of loneliness and helplessness when I looked down the window and see my former neighborhood friends play with themselves while I was only forced to study, with the logic "don't mind them, you are more that them. Study so that you can become successful in life". After that, I had no memory of anything else since my life was only devoted to studying as what my parents expects of me.

The next memory I have is of my first ever visit to my close friend's house, which I enjoyed very much. But after a few visits, I was then denied to even go back to their house even when I was begging my parents to let me go there even if I had to go there by myself, since their house was only nearby. I kept begging that day, to go and play to their house even if I would only go there by the weekends but to no avail. I was then again reminded of that day in the past where I saw my former friends play as I was on the window. Back then, as I was also explained by my parents, I was always having top scores on all subjects which might have been why I had some pride developed and was a bit of a show off. But on 3rd grade, I suddenly realized everything after noticing that no one would really group up with me, that grades were not everything if I cant even be friends with someone since I had no friends back then. And the feeling of loneliness arises once more to remind me of that day as I also realized my own short comings. After that, I then decided to not go serious at my studies and now try to make some friends at school.

Back then, after I read my first science book which opened up my curiosity, I then had a dream of becoming a scientist. With that, my parents would often use my dream as well to motivate me into studying, until it all changed during 3rd grade. After a few days of my decision, my parents would still encourage me to do better at my studies to no avail, until they eventually accepted of my current situation. Though as always, I had no other memories since everyday was about study, a bit of play, and the eventual fact of going back to what may now be known as my "cage". I had done many things back then but as my life was still gray, I had no or little memories back then since there was no meaning in keeping it if my life will just be the same. Though what made my days bearable was playing with my little sister, which I also had fun and look forward to everyday even in summer. Then i also remembered my first sin before i got into high school, where i hurt 2 friends which treated me not like the others which became an unforgivable memory. My close friend once had a girlfriend back then which had entrusted me to keep an eye on him if he ever does something and i agreed, so when he said he only dated her because she was rich in a joking manner, i realized only too late after i ran towards her and told what he said. Me, my close friend, and another guy was in a convo that time and both of them were very angry at me after they caught up with me and she ran out. It was only by that time that i realized the gravity of what i had done and held it as a reminder on what i should do the next time.

Until I was now in high school where my life suddenly turned to color, after introducing to anime. I was first introduced to anime at 1st year high where after seeing just one episode, it made me think and imagine of the infinite possibilities of what might happen, which I was also overwhelmed and wide eyed and stood there like a post just watching it. After that, I became very curious of anime that a few days after that, I then began to watch many animes when we first got our internet. Unlike cartoons which emphasizes on the story and specially on the happy parts, as I watched anime after a while, I realized that anime almost has everything like the story, values, art, some real world knowledge integrated, and many things in life. With this, I eventually learned many things, opened my imagination to its fullest capacity, developed my analysis skill, and learned how to maybe react to some situations. Since in every anime i watch, i would always imagine the possibilities on what might happen, what implications it would have in reality, and the possibilities in every situation that might arise reality or not. And i dont just watch just any anime, since it has to be one with a good story, good art, good music, and average or above average in quality which is also why i also learned so much, and felt so much from feeling the characters and the entire story itself.

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