"New Job at age 13?"

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I hurried, grabbing my luggage and I peacefully walked outside thinking where should I stay

"maybe staying in a hotel for a few days or months would be great.."

i thought to myself and went to a hotel or what I call.. paradise where is not much expensive at all..

I got my room key I quickly walked through the hallway dragging my luggage and entered the room, I placed it in the corner and jumped on the bed feeling relaxed.. but got ruined hearing a knock on my door

???: "Ma'am if you need anything pls call me.. I'll be your friend or guid while your still here.. you'll be able to talk to me since I'm Korean too"

I nodded, she gave me a smile and walked away


Me and Mina became close friends

In the morning she'd always knock on the door expecting me to hang out with her here in my room since I have no one to talk to I'd always talk to her, I trusted her and told her about my past and she understood

Although we're not going to be together much often.. but at the bright side I finally met someone who can speak Korean here in Japan😂 plus I'm very glad she was cheerful because if she wasn't I'd feel like no one would talk to me..

I'm a very shy potato when it comes to making friends of my own😅

But I just want to enjoy everything im experiencing now

Y/n: "Mina.. how old are you?"
Mina: "14.. yeah I know I'm too young to have a job but I did it to help my family.. what about you? Traveling to Japan alone.. how did you do that??"

I looked up at the ceiling throwing myself on the bed

Y/n: "idk.. I used to go out in the city alone maybe I just got used to it"

She nodded and sat beside me

Mina: "I know what your thinking.."

I looked at her and laughed a bit

Y/n: "wut??"
Mina: "your thinking that you should get a job to buy an apartment of your own"

I sat down and playfully hit her arm, as she smiled and let out a small laugh

Y/n: "stop reading my mind Mina"
Mina: "I can't help it, it's my quirk"

We both laughed and continued talking about random things


Like she said.. I did get a job but starting now I'll be working at a cafe, although I'm still staying at the hotel.. I'll wait for the right time where I can get my apartment

Mina said it was ok if I'll go because atleast she had a great time with me like i had with her

For the whole year I was homeschooled Mina's mother was very smart and kind enough to agree to teach me..

Yeah it was tough to go through all these I'm experiencing but im glad I'm doing it for the best and for my sister❤️

To be continued...

I'm very sorry it took so long...
I got too many things to do for some reason and forgot about the story 😂

Love you all😁

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