Author's Announcement

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(pls read)

So hey guys..

About the story
I won't be finishing it

What are the reasons?

Well I don't feel like finishing it at all, I ran out of ideas and..

This story is messed up in my opinion

I also have another reason which is, that im helping my Friend making this story which will be published maybe in a month, and I'm also making a new story


I got distracted and it made me think. "I think I don't want to finish this anymore"

But since if any of you are interested of the story

Then I'll tell you what will happen next, but I'm not writing it down in a chapter.

That's all I'm very sorry

If you wanna know what will happen next then keep reading.


"Continuing story"

So after that day Jungkook never talked to Y/n thinking he would just be a bother to them.

He never replied to Y/n which made Y/n a bit sad/hurt for some reason

One day Y/n decided to visit where he was staying

Once she did, she tried talking to him over and over until she raised her voice a little


You stood in silence as he continued..

"This is why I've been ignoring you.. I will just be a bother to you and Todoroki, why bother me when you can just go to him?... Just leave me alone"

Your heart ached a lot, it started to break into pieces and it Shattered.

Your hair became pitch black, hearing those words broke you a lot more than the day when your parents left you.

Without hesitation you left, Jungkook felt guilty because of what he did but at the same time worried

"What does that color mean?"

>Few days has passed<

Jungkook got back to Korea

While you? You locked yourself up in your apartment, Mina and Todoroki was worried and also the rest of your friends.

You almost got kicked out of the school because you where absent, although you took the online classes. But you barely see Todoroki since both of you only meet whenever there's a 1v1 event or other team battles.

One day you had a talk with Todoroki and told him a part of what had happened, you didn't want to tell everything that happened because you where a bit depressed.

While in Todorokis side, he found Jungkook's Twitter and messaged him, apparently he replied.

Jungkook missed you a lot, wished he spent the last day with you before he left.

Todoroki told him what had happened to her after that day when he left, he also told him about the rejection. Which was a shock to him, he remembered the only cure to get her old personality back is to be with her before it gets permanent in the 3rd week's sunset. Todoroki and Mina tried to do that, but it didn't work thats why they called Jungkook.

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