"wish this could last forever"

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Jungkook: "so.. what is it like staying here??"

We both looked straight, as she opens her mouth about to reply

Y/n: "it's been.. great I guess, atleast i made a few friends now"

I nodded looked at her for a moment and faced straight again

Jungkook: "thats nice, atleast you weren't alone

but.. I'm here now.. right?"

She smiled, while the tip of her hair suddenly turns pink, i looked at her smiling

She turned her head at me confused

Jungkook: "your shy?"

I said with a chuckle

Y/n: "no I'm not.."
Jungkook: "your hair tells it so"

She quickly looked at the tip of her hair widening her eyes
She held her hair in both sides trying to cover it

Jungkook: "relax you dont have to hide it"

I held her left hand and slowly put it down

I could tell she felt embarrassed, I just kept smiling at her reaction


I slowly put down my hands and kept walking with him

I couldn't even noticed where we're even going until he stopped at a place

While looking down, a petal from a blossom tree made it's way and land on my shoe

I looked up seeing 1 cherry blossoms tree in the middle of the park with lights surrounding it

I couldn't help but smile from the wonderful scene that I'm seeing, Jungkook looked at me smiling also looking at the beautiful tree

I have to admit...

"This is one of my ideal dates that I prefer" and I'm guessing Jungkook just read my mind

I went closer and touched the tree looking up at the falling petals


I could tell she enjoyed it

Eversince she always wanted to go here with me..
And it finally happened again

Knowing her since we where kids, it is easy for me to remember the time we use to spend together

The friendship, laughter, secrets we have shared and kept

Made me feel like i never want to get separated with her ever again

And hope we could last together till the end


As she touched the tree.. 3 petals fell on her head without even realizing

I smiled and went towards her, she looked at me smiling

Y/n: "you really know me so well Jungkook"

We both chuckled, i took off the petals from her hair

She laughed

Jungkook: "what??"
Y/n: "i didnt even notice that, and you didn't noticed yours either"

I looked at her confused

Y/n: "AISH! Your so slow in words Jungkook"

She held my shoulder and dragged me down taking off some petals from my head

Jungkook: "since when did you get stronger!?"

I looked at her with a weirdly surprised look, she laughed and replied

Y/n: "eversince i came to UA"

She let me go

I stood up, fixing my hair.. more like messing it up

We both went to sit down by the tree and just relax

We quickly found topics to talk about and it just made us laugh and enjoy the moment

I wish it could last forever with her beside me

To be continued...

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